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我应在哪里签名?Where can I sign?

我想要一张亲笔签名。I want an autograph.

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我需要他的签名。I need his signature.

现在请确认后签名。Now, please countersign it.

呵呵!我的英语签名是抄来的。I only know English a little.

陈路在访客名单上签名,然后与罗伯茨先生乘电梯到十八楼。Larry signs the visitor list.

你的签名是个例子。Your signature is an example.

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请您在这儿签名好吗?Woulld your please sign here ?

请在点线上方签名。Please sign on the dotted line.

蒂娜得到了詹克蒂恩的亲笔签名。Tina got Jake Dean's autograph.

请你帮我在书上签名好吗?Whould you please sign my book?

每个职员必须在工作时间记录簿上签名。If you'd just sign the register.

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签名应该是可辨认的。The signature shall be readable.

你会用英文签名吗?。Can you sign your nae in English?

别忘了在我的毕业纪念册上签名留念。Don't forget to sign my yearbook.

人们围着他让签名。He was stormed for his signature.

我不能够辨别出这个签名。I cannot identify this signature.

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是呀。那一张上面有她的亲笔签名。That one has her autograph on it.

你没在报关单上签名!You didn't sign the customs form!

阁下的签名必须被公证。Your signature must be notarized.