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这片森林还藏不住它!The forest cannot hide it!

记不住这些名单?Can t memorize these lists?

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我顶不住烤面包的诱惑。I can't resist baked bread.

经受不住晨雨?Can't stand the morning rain?

忍耐不住把你包藏。Patience not put your parcel.

这种布搁不住洗。This cloth won't bear washing.

为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?Why can a bride hide nothing?

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袋子装得过满便扎不住口。Bind the sack before it be full.

你看,除了站不住根本就包不住土啊!The root is unable to hold the soil.

昨夜寒蛩不住鸣。Han Ming could not last night cricket.

甘德也抵抗不住新地方的吸引力。Gant succumbed to the lure of new land.

啊啊我真的记不住这个词啊!Grrr I really can't remember this word!

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我经受不住那样的诱惑。I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.

他再也压不住怒火了。He can't keep back his anger any longer.

她眼泪止不住地顺着脸颊往下流。Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

筛子遮不住太阳。The screen cannot shut out the sunshine.

差点儿接不住气儿来。Then children do not live to air almost.

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我感到很困,止不住地打呵欠。I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.

大惊小怪的啊,一点也沉不住气。I said that a little too loudly, didn't I?

用粗糠捉不住老鸟。有经验的人难骗。Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.