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比过圣诞节温馨。Warmer than Christmas.

它是多么美好,温馨的一个名字啊。It's such a nice, homey name.

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温馨提示密,快乐常拜访。Warm prompt, happiness often visit.

但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。But through her cheek is warm tears.

在这里,你能找到温馨旳感觉。Here, you can find the warm feeling.

我也是。我有一个温馨的小家庭。I am also. I have a small family warm.

那位教死没有能让小孩温馨下去。The students can't keep the boy quiet.

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诉说着她在温馨中度过的芳年。But tell of the days in goodness spent.

前排驾驶灯舒适温馨。Front-row pilot light comfortable warm.

谁来爱我,请给我一个甜蜜温馨的家!Looking forward to having a sweet family!

你的儿子,在父亲节向您献上温馨的祝福。A warm wish from your son on Father's Day.

人人都需要在郊区有一个温馨的家。Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia.

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金百纳给您一个幽雅、温馨的家。Gold Baina give you an elegant, warm home.

您想在韦博感受家的温馨吗?Wanna experience the family warmth in Web?

这里,是你温馨浪漫温暖的家园。Here is your romantic warmth of their homes.

祝生日快乐温馨无极限!I wish a happy birthday sweet without limit!

金百纳给您一个幽静、舒适温馨的家。The web gives you a quiet, comfortable home.

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但我想说的是,有些“经”念起来也挺温馨的。But I want to say that some trouble are sweet.

每一次的聚会,都是温馨而难忘的。Every meeting is unforgettably full of warmth.

你的孙儿,在父亲节向您献上温馨的祝福。A warm wish from your grandson on Father's Day.