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那个湖方圆800里。The lake has a circumference of 800 li.

网络安全规矩能否成方圆?。Whether network security can be achieved by rules?

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这户人家是方圆数十里的第一富户。This family is the richest for tens of miles around.

这儿方圆几英里内看不到一个活物。There is not a living soul to be seen for miles around.

苏州方圆升降机械有限公司期待着您的光临!Suzhou Fangyuan Lift Machine Co. , Ltd hope your coming.

那架飞机的残骸散落在方圆五英里的区域内。Wreckage of the plane was scattered over a five-mile area.

方圆半英里的范围内没有别的公车站牌。There isn't another bus stop within a half-mile radius of here.

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袋鼠们从方圆数里的地方来到了城郊。Kangaroos came to the tacker, tacker villadom from miles around.

孩子们在院子里一起玩耍,方圆好几里的四合院通过胡同串联起来。The children played together in the courtyards and because of the hutongs.

上有步阐故城,方圆称洲,周回略满。Illustrates step on the Old City, an area said Chau, Some weeks back to full.

塔的基座方圆有好几里,规模很大。The foundation bed of the pyramid has a large circumference of several miles.

灾区附近方圆数百公里的地方,餐馆和商店都关门停业了。Hundreds of kilometres from the disaster area, restaurants and shops were shut.

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主要用于不锈钢方圆管的表面抛光同拉丝。Mainly used for polishing the surface of stainless steel pipe with the drawing.

也就是在一个足球场的方圆内,不同种类的蜘蛛大约有6,000,000只。That is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch.

烂柯岁日刀兵见,方圆世界泪皆凝。Ke-year-old Japanese Black Daobing see, the tears around the world All condensate.

我的房东是个例外,因为他拥有方圆500英里内唯一一辆自行车。My landlord was the exception because he owned the only bike in a 500-mile radius.

如果方圆十英里内有任何危险物,它都一定会找到你的。If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you.

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谁家办丧事,方圆十里地都有人赶来看她哭。If there was a funeral, people from neighboring villages would come to watch her cry.

它使一华里方圆内一切人畜都窒息死亡。It suffocates and kills all living beings within one a circumference of . 5 kilometer.

阿尔山滑雪场坐落在一片方圆10公里的净土之上,是中国最好的滑雪场之一。Stretching over 10 km of pristine land, this place is one of China`s best ski resorts.