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我很快就会付足余款的。I'll fetch the balance soon.

记得,你说过明天付清余款的。You promised to pay me tomorrow , remember!

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明天我会付五十元的余款。I'll pay the balance, fifty dollars tomorrow.

他的余款至少有四分之一花在书上。At least a quarter of his spare money goes on books.

最后余款可能有所校正时,请见背面。Final Balance may be subject to adjustment-please see Back.

我们规定货到付款,收到货请立即付清余款。Our rule is cash-on-deliver, when receive pay the balance at once.

他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.

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请速汇余款到我公司,以便我公司能及时发货。Pls. remit balance payment to us asap. so as to arrange shipment on time.

一个月内,陈先生须将余款交付给约翰逊先生。Then, within thirty days, Mr. Chen must pay the remaining balance to Mr. Johnson.

余款将从各国政府和其他国际金融机构筹集。The balance will be sought from governments and other International Financial Institutions.

余款须在2008年2月30日之前付清,否则主办单位将视其违约放弃参展。The balance shall be paid before Feb 30,2008, otherwise the exhibitor's booth will be cancelled.

我们规定货到付款,验收货后请立即付清余款。Our rule is cash-on-delivery, please pay the balance at once after you check and accept the goods.

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发生事故,风险金余款作为全市安全生产活动和奖励资金。The remaining sum of the security fund is used in safety activities of the city and as the reward fund.

这座综合楼内的大部分物业此前已被预售,但当市场行情急转直下时,购房者拒绝支付余款。The complex had been largely pre-sold, but when the bottom fell out of the market buyers refused to pay up.

谁知,开发商竟然要我一次性付清余款,否则就追究我的违约责任。Who would have thought developers should pay me one-time savings, otherwise I would be the default liability.

由于银行间的通讯问题,余款可能会在几天后返回到您的帐户中。Due to the communication problem between banks, the left amount will be refunded to your account in a couple of days.

但是如果需要在向数据库插入交易订单的同时更新帐户余款呢?But suppose you need to update the account balance at the same time you insert the trade order into the database, as shown in Listing 2

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专柜有货的情况下,为已支付定金的客人直接购买,发货前付清余款。If the counter has stock, we will buy it directly for guests who pay the Deposit, and then, you shoule pay the Balance before delivery.

扣除上述三项款额后,如有余款,承押人应将余款交付抵押人。If there is any surplus after deducting the amounts in the above three clauses, the mortgagee shall pay over the surplus to the mortgagor.

一旦承租人付清余款购买了物业,销售后收到的全部余款属于销售收入。But once the tenant exercises the right to buy the property, all payments received after the sale are considered part of the selling price.