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他家住在村子尽西头。He lives at the western end of the village.

每天下午,伯尔尼城的居民集合在克拉姆街西头。Every afternoon, the townspeople of Berne convene at the west end of Kramgasse.

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教堂西头的毛榉林中,五六只白嘴鸦犹如几团黑色的破布片飞了起来。Five or six rooks lifted out of the beach trees at the west end of the church like bundles of black rags.

朋友们,中美两国人民同住一个“地球村”,你们在西头,我们在东头。Dear friends, the people of China and the United States live in the same "global village", you on the west side and we the east.

错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头。Missed, had to consign the hope to next time, finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go, sunset west.

危急之中,武装大队长李红河及时解救了他,并决定护送他回到故乡—风光绝美、与世隔绝的西头村。Critical in, armed group grows Li Gong river seasonable rescue he, decide convoy he returns home, scene is absolutely beautiful, insular on the west head village.

嗳…,那对男女还是刺客啊,闲着没事干的时候就坐在西头的屋顶上聊天、喝饮料、打电话。Ai- Ei-, the couple still sounded like assassins. They sat on the west end of the roof to chat, to drink beverage, and to have phone calls during their leisure time.

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村头小院,村西头,交通便利,农村平房,院内可4家入住,西厢2户,东厢2户,有厕所,一户一电表。The village courtyard, village on the west, convenient transportation, rural cottage hospital in 4, home to the west, 2 households, 2 households have Dongxiang, a toilet, a meter.

屋的西头设神龛,前置香炉,室内还有很大的宰牲案和两口煮祭肉用的大锅。At the western end of this big hall is a shrine before which are incense burners. There are also a large-size butchering table and two big cauldrons for cooking the animals sacrificed.

在平原上,有些家家户户都用泥灰砌房屋的大村庄里,往往是村西头驻有日军,而东头却住着游击队。Some of the mud- and plaster-hut villages on this plain are extremely large and often the Japanese would be found living in the western part of the village while Chinese guerrillas lived in the east.