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兔眼蓝莓可能存在孤雌生殖的现象。Parthenogenesis is possible in Vaccinium ashei Reade.

在这种时候很难找到配偶,这有利于孤雌生殖物种。At such times mates are hard to find, and this favors parthenogenic species.

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这就可以解释为什么这么多物种都会有孤雌生殖现象。That could explain why parthenogenesis reproduction has emerged in so many species.

不论这种孤雌生殖方式到底是进化中的歧途还是一种存在争议的策略。Whether parthenogenesis is an evolutionary aberration or viable strategy remains debated.

SSR结果证实了化学诱导得到的后代,确系孤雌生殖产生,且是加倍单倍体。The SSR results verified the posterities induced were from parthenogenesis and doubled haploid.

对孤雌生殖胚胎进行培养可以代替体外受精胚胎筛选最佳体外培养系统。Parthenogenetic embryos could be used to detect the culture system in vitro as well as fertilized embryos.

1984年在成都地区进行孤雌生殖杂交油菜的品比及栽培试验。Variety and cultivation trials of hybrid rape of parthenOgenetic origin were carried out in Chengdu in 1981-1984.

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对化学药剂诱导玉米孤雌生殖获得的植株的染色体组成及其稳定性进行了研究。The chromosomal constitution and stability in parthenogenic maize plants induced by chemical treatment were studied.

这种形态的繁殖只出现在一种叫做孤雌生殖的动物身上,也就是人们所知道的无性生殖。This form of reproduction involving only one animal is called parthenogenesis. It is also known as asexual reproduction.

孤雌生殖方式的形成是该虫种群成功入侵并大规模扩散的重要原因。Attainment of parthenogenesis is considered as a key factor favoring its successful invasion and rapid dispersion of RWW.

栗瘿蜂为一种孤雌生殖的瘿峰,是危害板栗树的最主要的害虫之一。The chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus , a thelytokous cynipid, is one of the most serious pests of chestnut trees.

马铃薯单倍体诱导在马铃薯育种实践中具有重要意义,它包括孤雌生殖和花药培养等方法。Potato haploid induction has significant meaning in potato breeding, It includes parthenogenesis and anther culture methods.

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爪哇根结线虫是以孤雌生殖方式繁殖的农作物重要病原物。Meloidogyne javanica, reproducing by mitotic parthenogenesis , is an economically important pathogen of a wide range of crops.

孤雌生殖卤虫具有与两性生殖卤虫显著不同的TO基本带型和ALP标志带区。Parthenogenetic Anemia has TO basic zymogram and ALP marker zone which are significantly different from those of the bisexual Artemia.

孤雌生殖是指卵细胞不经过受精而形成胚并发育为个体的生殖方式。Parthenogenesis is a kind of reproductive mode by which the egg develops into embryo without fertilization and develops into plant finally.

群体累积培养时,悬沙对轮虫种群的雌体密度、雄体密度、孤雌生殖卵和休眠卵的密度以及种群的动态变化规律无显著影响。In accumulative culture, the densities of female, males, parthenogenetic eggs, and resting eggs in the population were not affected by silt.

蚜虫是一类刺吸式口器的小型昆虫,孤雌生殖、世代周期极短、繁殖率高,这使得蚜虫种群增长迅速。Aphids are small sap-sucking insects whose parthenogenetic reproduction and short generation time allow them to increase population size rapidly.

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采用延迟授粉和胚胎学显微观察的方法,研究了黑麦和六倍体小黑麦花粉诱导小麦孤雌生殖的假受精特性。The study on pseudogamy property of wheat parthenogenesis is conducted by means of delaying pollination and observing embryo sac with microscope.

单性生殖,孤雌生殖一种配子未经受精就能发育成新个体的生殖方式,常用于昆虫和某些其它类节。A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.

首次观察到孤雌生殖长角血蜱成蜱气门板腹面前方有7、8个小孔,肛瓣下方有密集成带的小刺以及十几个气孔样物。In adult stage of H. longicornis, there were 7 or 8 pores in anterior of ventral of spiracular plate, and many spinule and several pores below the anal valve.