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价格定在CAt C.

价格已跌落。Price has declined.

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你方价格高。Your price is high.

价格剧降。Price is on downslide.

价格可能下降。Prices will drop back.

这顶帽子的价格是五镑。The hat costs a fiver.

镨钕氧化物的价格随之上涨。The oxide prices rose.

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这个价格是含税价。The price is with tax.

B的价格为0.2。The price of B is 0.2.

这是我们的FOB价格单。Here are our FOB price.

牛奶每升价格三十便士。Milk costs 30p a litre.

价格是荒谬的。The prices were absurd.

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价格范畴是多少?What's the price ambit?

这是我们的FOB价格单。Here are our FOB prices.

她对这价格犹豫不决。She balked at the price.

货源充足,价格低廉。Ample supply, low prices.

起搏器的价格十分昂贵。Pacemakers are expensive.

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价格下降。The prices are declining.

维修成本和备件价格较高。Cost of maintance is high.

进修扣问物品价格。Learn to ask about prices.