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远洋软泥的来源是什么?What is the origin of pelagic oozes ?

这艘船从事远洋渔业。The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery.

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这种纸箱不适合远洋运输。Cartons of this sort are not sea-worthy.

他跑船在远洋线上担任医生。He shipped as doctor aboard an ocean liner.

远洋捕鱼最困难的是贮存已收获的鱼。It's difficult to harvest fish in the ocean.

旅客们在远洋码头下船了。The passenger disembarks at the ocean terminal.

远洋,全世界,全球,固定航线。Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.

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远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material.

这里正在建造几艘远洋货轮。Several ocean-going ships are being laid down here.

中国远洋上周五说,重新谈判了18艘船只的租赁协议。Cosco on Friday said it renegotiated deals on 18 ships.

经常伴随鲨鱼和蝠鲼游动的远洋小鱼。Small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas.

巴哈马海域,一只远洋白鳍鲨和潜水员在游泳。An oceanic whitetip shark and diver swim in the Bahamas.

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巨型远洋舰,巨轮同类中异常巨大的东西,尤指巨型轮船。Something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship.

护卫舰是任何一个配置均衡的远洋舰队所必需的。Frigates are a vital part of any balanced sea-going fleet.

一年之内,他吸引“捕获”了好几艘远洋航行船随行。Within a year, he had acquired several oceangoing vessels.

三趾鸥从冬季远洋漫游中归来了。The kittiwakes return from their pelagic winter wanderings.

与此同时,远洋航巡的船只修建也被禁止。Meanwhile, the construction of ocean-going ships was banned.

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新增一条远洋干线,目前共有航线41条,其中干线26条。Up till now there are 41 lines which 26 are ocean-going ones.

他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters.

一只远洋的,或曰开放海域的章鱼,在夏威夷的水中散发出氖辉光。A pelagic, or open-ocean, octopus gives off a neon glow in Hawaii.