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它是一种“自我”的灵性论。It is a spiritualism of 'self'.

精灵是顽皮的、有灵性的。Leprechauns are impish, devises.

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她是一位真正的淑女、一个有灵性的人。She was a real lady, an inspiration.

我求佛长养我的灵性。I asked Buddha to make my spirit grow.

毛猴通灵性,会人语。The monkey could speak human language.

但是我仍然没有丧失某些灵性的东西。But some spiritualism is still with me.

买一些灵性教导的诗集。Buy an anthology of spiritual teachings.

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这孩子生下来就有非凡的灵性。The child was born with superb ethereality.

蒹葭,是如此朴素而富有灵性的植物。The, is so simple and rich spiritual plant.

播种真理之种、灵性之苗。Sow the seed of truth, the seed of the spirit.

我想从中我们也能学到一些关于灵性的体验。There is a spiritual lesson that we can learn.

这是一张充满灵性的的专辑。This is one fills intelligence specially edits.

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这种衰退让我们的灵性生活变得贫瘠。And this decay impoverishes our spiritual lives.

师尊是我们全世界的灵性导师。Master is our spiritual leader around the world.

康桥的灵性全在一条河上。The soul of Cambridge is found entirely in a river.

当你的灵性随风飘荡的时候。It is when your spirit goes wondering upon the wind.

人们都能认可潘多拉星球的灵性。The spirituality of the world of Pandora plays well.

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像咖啡店,灵性中心或者班级这些地方。Places like coffee shops, spiritual centers or classes.

若有血气的身体,也必有灵性的身体。There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

因此,我们的念颂是为了我们的灵性导师的愿望。So, we are chanting for our spiritual master's pleasure.