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欧德油储现拥有88600方的库容。Now OTDB total storage capacity is 88600 cubic meters.

同时对库容提出新的表达式。A new formular for sink capacity was given in this paper also.

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接着,确定了一种较好的日调节库容计算方法。Secondly, determines a better calculation approach of daily pondage.

结论所构建的噬菌体展示文库的库容和多样性符合筛选的要求。Conclusion The capacity and diversity of the constructed library are enough for screening.

长江引水三期陆域水库库区采用开挖成库形成库容。In Yangtze diversion works, Phase III, the land-based reservoir will be constructed by excavation.

由于库容及送货时间的限制,日送货量为600个订单。The delivery capacity is 600 orders per day in Beijing, due to stock limitations and delivery time restrictions.

扩大了老坝库容,节省另建设新坝的费用和缩短了建设工期。Therefore, the capacity of the olod tailing store is increased, cost for a new one saved and the construction period shortened.

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这一原则过于简单,还应解决与库容所在范围内的土地及库容中的水资源所有权的问题。But the principle was too simple. We should also solve the problem concerning land ownership and ownership of water in reservoir.

最后以水口水库为例,分析了水库动库容对实时洪水调度的影响。Finally, the influence of the dynamic reservoir capacity on the real-time flood regulation was analyzed for the Shuikou Reservoir.

考虑多工艺路线且库容受限的能力批量计划问题。This paper presents the capacitated lot sizing and scheduling problem of multiple process routines production with limited buffers.

对44座小一型水库除险加固,增加有效库容8000万方,增加旱涝保收面积10万亩。Small one on the 44 reservoir reinforcement, to increase the effective capacity of 8000 Articles, increase Hanlaobaoshou area of 10 mu.

去年,当水库库容达到封顶水位时没有举办任何重大的庆典活动,或许这默示了问题的存在。Perhaps in a tacit acknowledgement of the problems, there were no major celebrations when the reservoir reached its full height last year.

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重穗型组合杂交稻不仅库容大,而且籽粒充实率、充实程度良好,结实率正常。The HPHR not only has a larger sink but also possesses normal grain-filling, sink-filling, high seed-setting percentage and heavier panicles.

大坝在2006年竣工,覆盖了13个市、140个镇和1350个村,其库容去年达到封顶水位。The dam was completed in 2006, with the reservoir reaching its full height last year after submerging 13 cities, 140 towns and 1, 350 villages.

该方法可以为电厂灰场库容设计提供合理的标准,从而控制由于灰水排放所造成的潜水层污染问题。The methods can supply reasonable design standards for ash field storage to control water-pollution problems as a result of ash water discharge.

有鉴于此,以随机模拟法为基础,建立了求解防洪发电相结合的水库群防洪库容优化模型。To solve the problems, this paper develops an optimum model based on random simulation method for solving volume of reservoir group flood control.

两库淤沙与冲淤排沙达到平衡以后,虽然部分库容被淤,但是保留下来的有效库容能够长期调水调沙。After the balance of sediment depositing and sluicing is achieved, the effective reservoir volumes can regulate both water and silt for a long term.

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初步水力学计算表明,大江干流上一次洪峰期分洪的水量不到大型分洪区库容的百分之一。Preparatory calculation indicates that the diverted water of one flood peak is not as much as one percent of the cabage of a big flood water storage zone.

应用美国陆地卫星遥感资料和实测水库水位资料,复测了丰满水库库容曲线。The storage-capacity curve of Fengman Reservoir is re-measured by using the remote sensing data of landsat of America and field measured water level data.

分析电厂运行前后及引滦前后电厂温排水和引滦调水对陡河水库水体富营养化的影响,证明水库温升和库容减少加剧了库区水体的富营养化进程。Analyzed are the influences of thermal discharge from a power plant and water diversion from the Luanhe River on the eutrophication of the Douhe Reservoir.