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作业是第六大题和第七大题.My homework is item six and item seven.

长安汽车是中国六大汽车集团之一。Changan is one of China’s six biggest auto groups.

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你从第六大街,第七大街和第八大街中穿过。You Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue.

美国前总统尼克森的复出被评为第六大经典假新闻。US ex-president Nixon's comeback is placed at sixth.

一定要同时运用这“六大通道”进行交流。Be sure to make contact with all six channels at once.

他把印度次大陆的人种分为六大类,再次分为九小类。Guha and he signalizes six main races with nine subtypes.

香港是世界上第六大贸易市场。Hong Kong's stock market is Asia's second-largest market.

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纺织服装业是兰溪市六大支柱产业之一。Textile industry is one of the six pillar industries in Lanxi.

香港是世界上第六大贸易市场。Hong Kong is the world's sixth-largest foreign exchange market.

确实,正是这种栗盲蛇广布六大洲。Indeed it is—the brahminy has already colonized six continents.

旅游购物是旅游消费活动的“六大要素”之一。Tourist shopping is one of six factors of tourists consumption.

但它是奥地利第六大城市,卡林西亚州的首府所在。But it's Austria's sixth biggest town. The capital of Carinthia.

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商品林建设是国家六大林业重点工程之一。Commercial forest building is one of the six key forestry engineering.

这五缘和心缘,构成密宗的六大缘起论。The five geographical and Xinyuan, a Tantric On the Origin of the six.

嵩山地质现象具有六大突出特点。The geologic phenomenon in Songshan have six kinds of characteristics.

现行“市管县”体制存在六大弊端。Six disadvantages exist among the present "City Governs County" system.

2000年,中国甩开意大利,成为世界第六大经济体。In 2000, it bumped Italy to become the sixth-biggest economy in the world.

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OTR正是六大技术中主要3项技术的首位英文字母。OTR is 6 old techniques in main the chief English letter of 3 technologies.

唐代特别有名的六大茶山就都在西双版纳。The six famed tea hills of the Tang Dynasty are all located in Xishuang Banna.

已经成为滁州市经济结构中的支柱产业之一,其产值居滁州“六大”特色产业之首。Its production value ranks NO. 1 of the "Great Six Industries" in Chuzhou City.