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我要拿这句话到马镫杯上用!I'm stealing that for Stirrup Cup!

查理曼拥有马镫,我们拥有电脑。Charlemagne had the stirrup. We have the computer.

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讲真话的人应该一只脚踩在马镫里。If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup.

马镫的一阶效应已是非常巨大。The first-order effects of the stirrup were dramatic.

“RL瑞龙”,压花闪闪发光的金属单管齐马镫扣。"RL"-embossed gleaming metal single-prong stirrup buckle.

在这群人的中央,有人拉着马镫以便另一个人跨上马去。In the centre someone was holding the stirrup for a man to mount.

简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger.

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马镫引起的巨大社会变革花了几个世纪才完成。The huge social changes wrought by the stirrup took centuries to play out.

欢乐是我们的双翼,悲伤是我们的马镫---杰拉德。里克特,德国艺术家。Joys are our wings, sorrows are our spurs---Gerhard Richter, German artist.

他举起战斧,在马镫上站起来,把那大言不惭的对手砍倒了。He raised his battle axe, and rising in his stirrups cut down the vaunting foe.

开始的时候,把左脚放在马镫上,随后跨上右脚。To get started, just put your left foot in the stirrup and swing your right foot over.

这些金属马镫拯救了欧洲,骑兵们受封骑士,从此名垂青史。The stirrup saved Europe, and these new mounted cavalry were celebrated forever after as knights.

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查理大帝换上金属马镫这一小小的革新产生了长期的影响,从某种意义上来说,其影响简直让人目瞪口呆。The long-term consequences of Charlemagne's simple innovation were, in some sense, even more stunning.

我轻捷地跃上马,将靴子踩入马镫中,双手紧紧握住缰绳。I mounted up with ease, slipping my boots into my stirrups, and gripping the reins tightly with both hands.

最好穿后跟较小的牛仔靴或马靴。这样有助于脚保持在马镫里面,且不被卡住。Wear cowboy boots or a riding boot with a small heel to help hold your foot in the stirrup without getting stuck.

他骑一匹强壮的花斑马,鬃毛和尾巴飘扬摇晃,马镫和马笼头都是镶银的。He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail and his stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver.

英俊,多功能带的圆润,流畅的意大利皮革制作的马镫,鼓舞了马术触摸扣。Handsome, versatile belt crafted in sleek, smooth Italian leather with a stirrup-inspired buckle for an equestrian touch.

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由于有了木马鞍和马镫,匈奴骑手们能在骑马的过程中朝每个方向射箭。Thanks Wooden saddle and stirrups, the Huns were riders on horseback in the process of Sino-Korean archery in each direction.

这些病人采用脊髓麻醉,腰以下有麻醉效果,然后把腿抬到马镫支架上。The women had an anesthetic injected into their spines to numb them below the waist, and then their legs were lifted into stirrups.

阿怀俄明州的女子是谁给条例草案对马镫,她买下作为圣诞礼物为她的孙子,他被打死在汽车残骸。Wyoming woman who gave Bill a pair of stirrups she bought as a Christmas present for her grandson before he was killed in car wreck.