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但玩足球可以风雨无阻。But teams play football rain or shine.

可是,美式足球却是风雨无阻的。But teams play football rain or shine.

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游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.

我们美丽的约定,风雨无阻。我将义无反顾!!!The beauty of our agreement, rain or shine, I would do it again! ! !

与你一同历经风霜,风雨无阻地,走过这人生的一程又一程。With you through wind and frost, rain or shine, through the life of one another.

爱在路上,从来就风雨无阻,哪怕是眼泪不断流出。Loves on the road, always in all weather, even if is the tear flows out unceasingly.

我们必须跟自己的懒惰做斗争,坚持锻炼,风雨无阻。We must struggle against our own laziness and stay with our training, rain or shine.

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她是一个帮助妇女和儿童的志愿者,风雨无阻。She worked as a volunteer helping women and children, eight hours a day, six days a week.

每天我们都快乐地相逢在博客群组中,风雨无阻,执着而坚定。Every day we are happy to come across in the blog group, rain or shine, persistent and firm.

尽管遇上台风天,来自各地的热情歌迷还是“风雨无阻”的踊跃出席支持。Despite the typhoon looming about, fans from all overcame nevertheless to support their Diva.

当你发现了真正阻碍你的东西,成功路上你将风雨无阻。When you have identified what really holds you back, nothing can prevent you from succeeding!

在我整个童年时期,我们常常在周末去爬山,风雨无阻。All through my childhood we used to go hiking in the mountains every Sunday, whatever the wheather.

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无偿献血奉献爱心,拯救生命风雨无阻。Donating your blood not only shows your affection, but also saves human life under any circumstance,.

我始终坚持,给别人一点温暖,彼此之间就多一道风雨无阻的彩虹桥!I always persisted, For others a warmth, Between each other on many together in all weather rainbows bridge!

我们的沙龙是长期性的,风雨无阻,相信人气也会越来越好的。Our goal is to create best English Salon in Chengyang. And this goal will be accomplished with time and effort.

在信贷危机冲击下的全球金融市场风雨飘摇,而艺术品价格则是继续风雨无阻的高涨。Where global financial markets remain jittery after the credit crisis, art prices have climbed uninterruptedly.

我喜欢荡秋千,每天晚上都会在后院的秋千架上荡一个小时,风雨无阻。I love swings and swing every night for an hour in my backyard on our swing set. Snow, rain, and sleet never stop me.

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把企业中的“杂草”给拔干净了,自然对迪拜有利,因为这样企业中的“好苗子”就可以风雨无阻的茁壮成长。Dubai itself would certainly benefit from a thorough weeding-out of bad companies, so that its better enterprises can emerge unencumbered.

这盘招牌菜吃过,我们总算明白为啥店外总有那么长长的人在排队了,风雨无阻。After tasting this dish, the house specialty, we finally understood why there's a constant line of people outside Ling Long, rain or shine.

自从女儿上了寄宿学校以后,这已经成了我和老公每周的必修之课,周内必须去看一次她,风雨无阻。Since the daughter boarding school, it has become the I and husband weekly compulsory course, weeks to visit her, regardless of the weather.