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篝火,雪堆。Campfires and snowdrifts.

我们燃起了一堆堆篝火。We had lit many bonfires.

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波托马克河边的篝火晚会。A Bivouac Fire on the Potomac.

我们支上帐篷,生起篝火。We set up a tent and made a bonfire.

第七关是篝火晚会。Kwan is the seventh evening campfire.

于是我们决定再点篝火。Sowe decided to set up camp fire again.

夏季花灿烂,秋天篝火旺。Flowers in the summer, Fires in the fall.

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那晚的大部分时间他们都在篝火旁度过。They spent most of the night at the fire.

篝火几乎燃烧了整个晚上。The bonfire flamed almost all the evening.

他们收到的钱都花在烟火要在“篝火之夜”。At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced.

她开始向篝火处慢慢走去。She began a slow saunter toward the bonfires.

干草与旧垃圾则被扔入篝火之中。Hay and old rubbish is thrown into the bonfire.

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他们做了草人,放在了篝火上方。They made a straw man and put him on top of it.

在篝火之夜,切尔西中场防守稳固。By Bonfire Night, Chelsea were firmly mid-table.

不久他们把那篝火又拨旺了。And they soon had the camp-fire blazing up again.

晚上点起篝火会让人感到温暖舒适。In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness.

我们在篝火的火焰旁暖手。We warmed our hands near the blaze of the campfire.

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在一天远足后,建立一个篝火。After morning of hiking- complete a large open fire.

在湖岸边燃着篝火,篝火旁边有个帐篷,帐篷旁边有两只幼熊。By the lake burned a campfire with a tipi beside it.

可能是不死人的薪火,被献祭于篝火。Perhaps cinders of Undead, sacrificed to the bonfire.