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金花茶饮料是极其有益人体健康的饮品。Golden Camellia Tea is a very healthful drink.

标题金花茶植株形态学的研究。The study on the morphology of Camellia chrysantha.

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广西金花茶的两个新变种。Two new varieties of Camellia chrysantha from Kwangsi.

项生金花茶,广西一新的观赏植物。Camellia terminalis, a new ornamental plant from Guangxi.

本文对采自广西的14种金花茶木材进行解剖研究。This study is on wood anatomy of 14 species of Camellia sect Chrysan-tha from Guangxi.

目的优选金花茶种子中总多酚的提取工艺。ObjectiveTo optimize the technology for extraction of total polyphenol from Theopsis chrysantha Hu.

对金花茶进行种子繁殖和生物学特性研究。The reproductive traits and biological characteristics of Camella nitidissima were investigated in this study.

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通过对我国金花茶研究概况的论述,了解金花茶育种、分类、演化和应用的基本情况。According to the discussion of the research advances of Camellia nitidissima, the breeding, classification, evolution, and application of C. nitidissima were understood.

金花茶不仅具有极高的观赏价值,而且还具有其他植物所没有的对人体有保健功能与药用医学价值的特性。Golden camellia is not only rare and precious but also good for human body health, and it has been proved to have medicinal and health care functions that other plants do not have.

结论丙酮-水提取法可用于金花茶种子中总多酚的提取,其中提取溶剂倍量和提取温度对总多酚提取的影响较大。ConclusionThis method can be applied the extraction of total polyphenol in Theopsis chrysantha Hu. Seeds. The extracting solvent times and temperature of extraction show objective effects.

在利用金花茶资源的基础上,分析存在问题,并就其自主知识产权的保护提出建议。On the basis of using the resources of C. nitidissima, the existence problems were analyzed. And some suggestions were put forward for the protection of its independent intellectual property.