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请让我在等待中帮你们描绘一幅工笔的伦敦。Allow me to paint you a London in detail.

这里是工笔动物画基地。This is the base of Fine-Brush Animal Painting.

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工笔人物画艺术体系的形成,是历代艺术家思想的结晶。Its system is the result of idea of many artists in history.

该画为典型的宋代院体画,是工笔重彩画中的佳作。It is a typical imperial-court decorative painting of Song Dynasty.

刘大为是全能型画家,工笔重彩和水墨写意兼精。Liu Dawei is a versatile artists, re-color and fine brushwork and freehand fine ink.

我带着颜料和画笔兴冲冲地想与你一起描画我们自家的工笔。I excitedly with paint and brush with you and would like to draw our own fine brushwork.

擅长写意、工笔人物,重生活,重传统,善创新。Good at freehand brushwork, meticulous person, re-living, heavy traditional, good innovation.

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工笔重彩画在文人画兴起以后逐步走向衰落。Meticulous heavy color painting will emerge in the painting later gradually moves toward the decline.

第二章对当代中国工笔人物画的“时代性”进行详细分析。The second chapter carries on"the contemporaneity"of the Contemporary China exquisite brush portrait.

因此学习、借鉴日本岩彩画的发展经验,对于促进中国工笔重彩画的发展是十分必要的。To advance modern Chinese heavy color painting it is necessary to draw from the Japanese experiences.

他继承并发扬了唐、五代、两宋以来工笔花鸟画的优秀传统。He inherited and developed the Tang, Five Dynasties, Song bird has a fine tradition of fine brushwork.

韦娟,女,桂林人,工笔花鸟、人物画家。Wei Juan, native of Guilin, professional painter of detailed flower&bird painting and figure painting.

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于非暗是当代工笔花鸟画的重要代表性画家。FeiChang-Yu fine brushwork of contemporary artist representation of important bird and flower painting.

既似国画大写意之手法,又似工笔素描之纤细。It resembles the freehand traditional Chinese painting and also shows the delicacy of the linear sketch.

艺术工笔者可以授课,取景师可以拍摄婚礼相片,热衷运动的人兴许可以做裁判或是球童。An artist may teach a class, a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.

第三章对工笔人物画的发展做今昔对比。The third chapter makes the comparison of past and present to the exquisite brush portrait's development.

传统的工笔重彩人物画创作多追求勾线准确,设色清雅。The traditional claboratestyle figure drawing more accurate, and continually creation for coloring is elegant.

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目的是为了看清现状,理清思路,谋求工笔花鸟画的进一步向更高更远发展。And then manage pure the way of thinking and seek further develop of the meticulous flowers-and-birds painting.

中国工笔人物画可追溯至秦汉,已经有两千多年的历史了,而色与墨作为中国画的两大要素一直伴其发展。Chinese Gongbi figure painting can date back to the Qin and Han Dynasty with a history of more than 2000 years.

近三十年的研究,主要集中在工笔手写汉字识别方面。Great efforts have been made to reliably identify handprinted Chinese characters during the last three decades.