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感谢您的光临和不吝赐教!Thank you for coming and comment!

有的话希望不吝赐教,谢谢!Any hope that the wing, thank you!

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我们都感谢你不吝相助。We all appreciate your unstinting help.

要不吝于表扬,但要慎于批评。Be Generous with praise, Cautious with friends.

尚希不吝指教。We hope that you will not stint your criticism.

要不吝于表扬,但要慎于批评。Be Generous With Praise , Cautious With Criticism.

要不吝于表扬,但要慎于批评。说到赢得朋友,赞美是最有用的了。Praise will win out when it comes to gaining friends.

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如果你能不吝赐教,我会感激不尽的。I would appreciate it if you could comment. Thanks a million.

我也是个英语学习者,故望各位不吝赐教。Your criticism is welcome since I am also an English learner.

欢迎亲爱的顾客不吝指教,您的满意是我们的骄傲!Welcome dear customer post comments, your satisfaction is our pride!

以上内容乃原创,若有更好的建议请不吝赐教。The contents above are original. Never refuse to offer your kind advice.

如果有谁知道更多关于芯片组的消息,请不吝赐教。If anyone has more information about these chipsets, please enlighten me.

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请让我们知道哪一网站是你的最爱,并请不吝赐教其他很棒的旅游网站。Which ones were your favorites? Know of any other great tourism websites?

享受这一美妙作品集吧,请不吝在评论中赐教你的想法!Enjoy this amazing collection and let us know what you think in the comments!

马丁弗里曼,比尔伯巴金斯的扮演者,对导演不吝赞扬之情。Martin Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, bubbled with praise for his director.

今天不吝拙见,以求抛砖引玉,望不妥之处请批评指正。Today, in order to derive tribute at my deficiencies please correct me criticism.

请不吝与我们分享你的见解,让我们知道哪一幅是你的最爱!Feel free to share your opinion with us and let us know which one is your favorite!

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如果有什么好的建议比如在哪里住和看些什么,希望大家不吝赐教。If anyone has any advice about where to stay and what to see, I'll be glad to get it.

发出会心的微笑,和朋友谈谈心,不吝付出,柔和待人,始终如一。Smile with your heart, confide in others, give to others, be gentle with others, always.

要是您也遇到这个问题,而且您也有解决方案,请不吝留言。If anyone have encountered this type of problem and has solution, please share in comments.