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产树胶的树生长在热带地区。Gum trees grow in tropical areas.

阿拉伯树胶是纯天然的水合胶体。Gum Arabic is a natural hydrocolloid.

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树脂和树胶也非常易燃。Resins and gums are highly flammable.

我提醒他们问我关于我对树胶有无过敏性的反映。I remind them to ask me about my allergy to latex.

他想到把香料加到糖胶树胶里。It occurred to him to add flavoring4 to the chicle.

耐磨的外底回收再生料和天然树胶。Durable outsole of recycled regrind and natural gum.

在材料上则运用了拓印、树胶等综合表现。Mixed media such as print gum are applied to the work.

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某些植物树胶用以制造化妆品。Some plant gums are used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

目的探讨树胶肿型神经梅毒的影像学表现。Objective To evaluate the imaging manifestations of cerebral gumma.

重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth.

有些乳胶天然存在于植物的细胞中,如糖胶树胶树和橡胶树。Some latexes occur naturally in the cells of plants such as chicle and rubber trees.

现在只有那些高达500多岁高龄的阿拉伯树胶树的残骸与它为伴。Now it just has the skeletons of old acacias here, some of them well over 500 years old.

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汤玛士亚当斯实验用糖胶树胶来做橡胶的替代品,但他并未成功。Thomas Adams began experimenting with chicle as a substitute for rubber3, but he failed.

水彩颜料是由色料与阿拉伯树胶和胆汁碾磨,然后加水稀释而成。Watercolours are pigments ground with gum Arabic and gall and thinned with water in use.

在过去150年里,干旱已经对森林和树胶产品造成了损害。In the past 50 years, drought has taken a toll on the forests and on the production of gum.

苏丹是非洲最大的国家,也是世界最大的阿拉伯树胶生产国。Sudan Thelargest country in Africa, Sudan is the world’s biggest singleproducer of gum arabic.

问题可能与饮食的磷一起减轻的牙齿和树胶,再一次保持平衡钙。Tooth and gum problems can be alleviated with dietary phosphorus, again in balance with calcium.

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那是因为硅树胶,高聚物和一些其他的护理剂能够在冲洗后沉淀下来。That's because silicones, polymers, and other conditioning agents can deposit even after rinsing.

琥珀是年代古老的一种化石树胶,是几百万前枯死林木长时间化石化的产物。Amber is the ancient and fossilized resin of long dead trees that grew in forests millions of years ago.

本文研究了以明胶—阿拉伯树胶为囊壁的复凝聚法微胶囊化工艺。The process for microencapsulation based on complex coacervation of gelatin-acacia has been investigated.