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“他们都是民工”。They are laborers.

你会见到民工子弟学校被关。You will see migrants’ schools closed.

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人们只知道赢政动用了几百万民工。It is known that Chin used millions of workers.

小范是来自四川的民工。Fan is a migrant originally from Sichuan Province.

如果需要的话我会派更多的民工去帮你。If necessary, I would send more farm-hands to help you.

趟火车上,有很多返乡民工和学生。There are many homeward-bound rural laborers and students.

“去民工子弟小学支教”用英文怎么说?Go to migrant children in primary schools to teach children.

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然后民工把城墙的侧面修得高出路面。Then the workers built up the sides of the Wall even higher.

当一个肮脏的民工摔倒时,你会扶他去站起来吗?Will you help a dirty migrant worker stand up when he falls down?

当一个肮脏的民工摔倒时,你会去扶他站起来吗?Would you help a dirty migrant worker stand up when he falls down?

所以他们宁可把孩子送到只招收民工子弟的穷学校。So they prefer poor schools exclusively for the migrants’ children.

无奈之下,他只能从推销员做起,甚至干过民工。But under, he can be made from bagman only, had done a laborer even.

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乐施会支援到城里打工的民工,为他们提供职业培训。Oxfam support migrant workers through training in job-related skills.

赵教授进一步建议民工参加技能培训。Professor Zhao further suggested migrant workers to join skill trainings.

他说他就是常进银行接水喝的民工之一。The helper told me he was one of the worker who went to that bank to get water.

最后,给大家看一段视屏,中国达人秀的民工舞蹈。Finally, for everyone to see a screen, China expert show of migrant workers dance.

那些只为人民币服务的官员,百般阻挠、威胁民工的投诉。Only those services for the officials, blocking, the threat of civilian complaints.

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第三部分,民工子弟学校教师教学生活方式的检视。The third part is to examine migrant children school teachers teaching life styles.

在参加调查的29425名民工中,10%的人月收入达到1500元。Ten percent of the 29, 425 migrant workers surveyed have a monthly income of 1, 500 yuan.

返城民工的短缺使得这周的招募工人变得饥不择食。The dearth of returning migrants set off a desperate scramble this week to recruit workers.