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所以丫环下了决心,要放走乌龟。So the maid made up her mind and let the turtle go.

为什么丫环会例外地同情这只龟呢?Why did the maid feel sorry for this particular turtle?

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过了三、四年,丫环生了一个女孩。Several years later, the maidservant gave birth to a girl.

程夫人觉得有点担心,她想她的丫环肯定是神志不清。Mrs. Cheng really got worried then, because she thought her maid was delirious.

可怕的是,丫环送饭进去,却发现昏迷四年不醒的二妈不胫而走!Terrible is, the maid sent food in a coma for four years, but found not to wake up two mom spread like wildfire!

起初还是“内言不出”,只有家里丫环、女仆们知道。In the beginning, arguments were contained within the household and only the maids and female servants knew of them.

这两个丫环因为这样过度的劳动而苦恼不堪,决定要杀死这只这麽早就将女主人吵起来的公鸡。The maidens , being aggrieved by such excessive labor, resolved to kill the cock who roused their mistress so early.

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春花大喜,更觉得与小倩投缘,便聘请她为首席丫环,负责照顾少爷。Spring exultation, more thought and small qian off instantly, and he hired her as chief maid, in charge of the master.

第二天早上,程夫人拿了一根带子进来想要量量看需要买多大的棺材,却发现她的丫环坐起来了。The next morning, Mrs. Cheng came in with a tape measure to see what size coffin to buy, and found her maid sitting up.

午夜的时候,程家人看到被丫环放走的那只大乌龟爬到房间里,把泥涂到丫环身上。At midnight, the Chengs saw that big turtle the maid had let go crawl back into the room and smear mud all over the maid.

映霞与知秋见新月到荐人馆请丫环,觉得事有蹊跷。Reflected chardonnay with autumn see crescent to commend pavilion please maid, think things have a catch in it somewhere.

彭皓天不断没有再回过家去,王思的身体不舒适已久,在丫环的陪伴下去了医院。Peng our headquarters continuously without turning homes, WangSi body uncomfortable already for a long time, the maid company down hospital.

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他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,但是没几天,他们的丫环又活泼泼的了,她是那个流行病中唯一康复的人。They couldn't believe their eyes, but within days, their maid was up and around again, one of the only persons to recover from the epidemic.

鲁北的北县有个地主婆,强迫一个佃农咬一个丫环的小脚,供她取乐。In Peihsien County in northern Shantung I found a landlord's wife who derived pleasure out of forcing her husband's tenant to bite the bound feet of her maid servant.

但白天,她的衣服,她那朴素的蓝棉布衣裤,把他所熟悉的东西都罩住了。而她,就象一个默默不语的忠实的丫环,仅仅就是一个丫环。But in the day her clothes, her plain blue cotton coat and trousers, covered all that he knew, and she was like a faithful, speechless serving maid, who is only a serving maid and nothing more.