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他们连悼词也不发.They won't even deliver a eulogy.

但是悼词也可能成为一桩狡猾的交易。But eulogies can be a tricky business.

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一种方法是考虑你的悼词。One way is to think about your eulogy.

仔细地想想你的这些角色,给自己写悼词。Think carefully on these roles, and write the eulogies.

悼词最后,辛普森提到乔布斯临终时的场景。Simpson ends the eulogy by recalling Jobs' final moments.

现在由德高望重的鼠老前辈致悼词。Now from sainted rat old-timer with the result that Dao phrase.

纽约时报今天早上刊发了乔布斯妹妹的悼词。The New York Times ran Steve Jobs' sister's eulogy this morning.

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在念完悼词后,奥巴马给了拜登一个温暖的拥抱。After finishing the eulogy, the president wrapped Biden in a warm hug.

如果你是说悼词,讲一件关于你与死者的事情。If you are giving a eulogy, tell a story about yourself and the deceased.

他的许多名言录是悼词这些勇敢的人的美德。Many of his recorded sayings are eulogies of these valiant men of virtue.

2005年,利维与世长辞,享年93岁,麦道夫在他的葬礼上致了悼词。And when Levy died, in 2005, at 93, Madoff delivered a eulogy at the funeral.

我还听有人说,在悼词中展现幽默也不失为好主意。I know some people who even say it’s a good idea to include humor in a eulogy.

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布什总统陪同福特夫人同往教堂并致悼词。President Bush, who escorted Mrs. Ford into the Cathedral, delivered the main eulogy.

布什总统明天将在华圣顿国家大教堂发表一篇悼词。Tomorrow morning the president will deliver a eulogy at the Washington National Cathedral.

“在活着的时候听到自己的悼词可以帮助他们毫不费力的面对生命的最后阶段”。Hearing the eulogies while they are still alive can help them face the final stage with ease.

巨星陨落,举世同悲,中国媒体上也写满了哀痛的悼词。Fall Fest, the world with the sad, the Chinese media is also full of the sorrow of the eulogy.

这是伯里克利斯在那场著名葬礼中,向其听众夸耀的悼词,由修西地底斯记录下来。This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides.

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智慧教学的这本书是高潮的一项长期悼词的英雄以色列人的历史。The wisdom teaching of the book is climaxed by a long eulogy of the heroes of Israelite history.

戈尔致了悼词,言辞间充满了对老戈尔作为父亲、男子汉和公仆的爱与颂扬。Al delivered the eulogy, a loving and eloquent tribute to the father, the man, and the public servant.

我在两个人的葬礼上都发表了悼词,后来还任命维克的遗孀莫利为礼宾主任。I had delivered eulogies at both funerals, and later appointed Vic’s widow, Molly, as chief of protocol.