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悲伤使他在精神上经受了考验。Sorrow had baptized him.

今天,我们在经受考验。Today, we are being tested.

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经受不住晨雨?Can't stand the morning rain?

经受了那次打击,她明显地见老了。The blow had aged her visibly.

别别别!我觉得他已经受够了。You got him! -Not good enough!

我已经受够你的唠叨了。I've had enough of your tootle.

约瑟夫经受了悲伤的考验。Joseph was baptized with sorrow.

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大多数病毒都能经受冻干。Most viruses can be lyophilized.

象狼一样去经受饥寒。Go hungry and cold like the wolf.

使渗析或经受渗析。To subject to or undergo dialysis.

猕猴如此,人类又何尝不经受着同样的问题。And as with monkeys, so with humans.

对于你旳无礼,我已经受够了。I have had enough of your impudence.

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胡迪尼先生能经受任何人的拳头!Mr. Houdini can take any man's punch!

这架飞机经受住了引力定律。The plane defied the laws of gravity.

你必须经受成功与失败的体验。You have to have success and failure.

我经受不住那样的诱惑。I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.

这字装帜经受过广泛的试验。The device undergone extensive testing.

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最幸福的莫过经受洗礼。The happiest is to undergo the baptism.

电线应经受浸漆试验。The wire subjects immersion-paint test.

亚伯拉罕的信仰经受了多重考验。Abraham's faith withstands many a trial.