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爸爸,她把那药水溅得哪都是。Father, she spilled it.

一口气喝掉整瓶药水。Drink it all in one breath.

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小心这蓝药水!Be careful of the blue liquid!

我拿了一瓶灭鼠药水。I took a bottle of liquid medicine.

那蓝色药水渗到地板里去了。The blue liquid oozed down the floor.

补充湿润剂,或检查药水。Added wetting agents, or check the potion.

我帮你找到了这瓶治疗药水哦。Elan, I found this healing potion for you.

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我甩一甩头药水就跑到外面了。I shake my head and it goes out on my fur.

我来喷点药水儿以及清凉剂。I'll spray insecticide and refreshing oil.

文火煎20分钟,然后将药水滗出。Simmer gently for 20 m then drain the solution.

之后,父亲每天为我涂药水、换纱布。As my father and smeared water daily, for gauze.

药水的成分鉴定错了。The liquid medicine elements were misidentified.

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她拿起瓶子服下了这帖神奇药水。She lifted the bottle and drank the magic potion.

棕化药水是否有定量给料系统?Are the oxide chemistries on a auto-dosing system?

我想知道如果我喝掉这药水会发生什么。I wonder what would happen if I drank this potion.

例如如果想制作药水,可以成为炼金术士。If you want to make potions, then be an Alchemist.

我拿了一瓶灭鼠药水。I took a bottle of liquid medicine to kill the rat.

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在几个小时之内,曼德拉药水就将配制好了。In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready.

他皱了皱眉头,然后一口把药水喝了下去。He contracted his brows and swallowed medicine down.

饮用药水前摇匀。Succuss the medicinal liquid evenly before drinking.