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它软乎乎的,毛茸茸的。It is soft and fluffy.

毛茸茸、软绵绵的是玩具熊。Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.

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阿尔文穿得像一头毛茸茸的熊。Alwin dressed as a hairy bear.

有整圈的颈毛和毛茸茸的尾部。A circle of neck ruff and furry tail.

亲爱的小羊羔在你毛茸茸羊栏Dear little lambs in your fleecy fold

它把一只毛茸茸的脚爪伸到前面。He put one big hairy paw ahead of him.

再画出它的一绺头发和毛茸茸的眉毛。Give him a tuft of hair and furry eyebrows.

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毛茸茸的蜜蜂嗡嗡萦绕在忙碌嗡嗡作响的蜂巢周围。The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

发育成小小的、毛茸茸的幼苗。The seeds sprout into small, hairlike seedings.

咩咩和毛茸茸决定玩儿“捉狼”。Baabaa and Fluffy decide to play Catch the wolf!

因为那些毛茸茸的玩偶实在是太可爱了。Because those brushy doll are too lovely really.

而且你也毛茸茸的,还有一件非常可爱的厚夹克。And you are woolly, you have a lovely thick coat.

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四只毛茸茸快乐嬉戏的的朋友,真好玩。Four furry friends frolicking feverishly for fun.

松软,毛茸茸的软垫引人极想在上面坐坐。Loose, brushy soft mat is fetching long above sit.

一对偌大的,毛茸茸的耳朵竖起在雪堆上。Two huge, hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift.

没有胡子的脸?不不,我的脸实际上是毛茸茸的。看!Barefaced?No no, this really is my hairy face –look!

里面盛满了毛茸茸的橙黑相间的小脸。The basket was full of furry orange-and-black faces.

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丛林铺展在他的脚下,象一片绿丝绒那么毛茸茸的。The jungle spread beneath him in a green velvet nap.

毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.

在我吻她时,她从不闭上毛茸茸的双眼。Her eyes were vair, And never closed when I kiss her.