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1968年经过现代化改装后的新泽西号战列舰。USS New Jersey BB-62 after the 1968 modernization.

衣阿华级战列舰究竟能跑多快?How fast could the Iowa class battleships really go?

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这种新战列舰将装上16英寸口径的大炮。The new battle-ships will be armed with 16-inch guns.

你是否曾有过开着艘护卫舰经过他人战列舰的亲身经历?Have you ever flown past a battleship in your modest frigate.

重型战列舰是巨舰时代的精粹之作。Ship of the Lines were the quintessential battleship of the era.

英国皇家海军战列舰“巴勒姆号”被德国潜艇击沉。The Royal Navy battleship HMS Barham was sunk by German U-boats.

轻型战列舰在两层甲板上有大约50门中型加农炮。Light ship-of-the-line has around fifty heavy cannons on two decks.

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我已经将将战列舰转向南并改组我的驱逐舰从旁边分开。I have turned my BBs south and shuffle the DDs to the disengaged side.

若问谁是”海上A雄“,I卜战列舰莫属。If asked that who is" marine A male ", I divination battleship not is.

吴是至今人类建造过的最大战列舰“大和号”的母港。Kure was the home base of the largest battleship ever built, the Yamato.

事后,空中侦察表明,该战列舰受伤颇重。Later air reconnaissance showed that the battleship was heavily damaged.

天蛇战列舰不会掉落巡洋级装备了。Cruiser sized modules will no longer drop in Serpentis battleship wrecks.

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因此,内莫迪亚人就能很轻松地建造一支由很多战列舰组成的舰队。The Neimoidians were able to build a fleet of battleships at a brisk pace.

双方距离非常的接近我的战列舰一次一次地击中德舰。The range was quite close and my BBs hit the German ships again and again.

日本在二战期间,就制造了本国航母,驱逐舰和战列舰。Japan was making its own aircraft carriers, destroyers, battleships way back in ww2.

“提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。The Tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines.

战列巡洋舰拥有战列舰一样的火力,但只能靠速度作为防御。Battlecruisers are ships with the firepower of a battleship, but must rely on speed for defense.

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即便是应用在当今战列舰上沉重的三重底结构对于这种攻击也是无效的。Even the heavy triple-bottom construction of recent battleships is insufficient for this purpose.

和这两艘袖珍战列舰一样的还有重巡洋舰希佩海军上将号,赛德利兹号以及德尔福林格号。So were the two pocket battleships and the big cruisers Admiral Hipper, Seydlitz and Derfflinger.

针对战列舰部署和物流的网络袭击将会在后一种办法中起决定性作用。Cyber attacks, targeting battle ship deployments and logistics, would play decisively in the latter.