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及时一针省得过后九针。A stitch in time saves nines.

劳驾好吗?这样我就省得再跑一趟了。Would you please? That would save me a trip.

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现在就开始采取行动吧,省得日后追悔莫及。Take action now to avoid that possibility later.

这样也好,省得我在爱情的幸福中沉沦。That's OK anyway, I love playing the happy cesspool.

我再说一遍,省得你忘了。Let me remind you once again so that you won't forget.

替我买点东西好吗?这样省得我走一趟了。Will you do the shopping for me? It'll save me a trip.

明天我会早来点儿,省得让你等着。I'll come early tomorrow in order to save your waiting.

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那我得赶紧回水池去,省得和她错过。I'm going to run right back to the pond so I won't miss her.

这个数目看来不多,但他们每天的收入只得100披索,省得一元是一元。When their income is only 100 Pesos a day, every Peso counts.

你来了省得我去麻烦写一封长信。Your coming relives me of the bother of writing a long letter.

你来了省得我去麻烦写一封长信了。Your coming relieves me of the bother of writing a long letter.

省得上官月儿自高奋勇的更麻烦。Province last officer the moon aspire from Gao more troublesome.

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聪明的老婆从不给老公有时间三思,省得节外生枝。A wise wife never gives her husband time to have second thoughts.

我给他们钱只是省得他们老是来找我给我添麻烦。I gave them money just to keep them from calling and hounding me.

看来以后做代码都要加密了,省得那些小偷来偷密码。Hmauhnti just a code stealer and clown, he cant make code himself.

很兴奋你自己提出来了—这可省得我再豁出脸皮往问了。I'm glad you offered—it saved me the embarrassment of having to ask.

这样能力做出最明智的采用。别等的时间太长,省得夜长梦多。Don't wait too long, for it will become more difficult to solve the problem if you do.

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买回来的面包已经切好片,主妇就省得再切。The bread comes already sliced so that the housewife need not exert herself to slice it.

他打算今天下午找机会跟艾琳谈谈。一语及时省得以后噜苏。He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene. A word in time saves nine.

“哦,”他妈妈笑着说,“下次你跟在出租汽车后面跑,那会省得更多。”"Well," said his mother laughing, "Next time you should run after a taxi, you will save much more."