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而那些短的声波They're short sound waves.

我们主要的探测装置是声波定位仪。Our main detection device is sonar.

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这种过剩密度的波就是声波。This wave of excess density is sound.

加速,声波。他们知得太多。Transmissions, Soundwave. They know too much.

重力子的行为就像一块金属板中的声波。The gravitons behave like sound in a metal sheet.

声波很喜欢这个按个人意图由自己组装而成的身体。Sound is like clay that he sculpts to his purpose.

警告优先方式声波振动是可能的。WARNING-First mode acoustic vibration is probable.

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那是音叉发出的声波的干涉的结果。That’s the interference of sound waves from the forks.

声波经过耳鼓,然后穿越中耳。From the eardrum, sound travels through the middle ear.

提出了体声波粘度传感器酶测定方法。BAW viscosity sensor for enzyme detection was presented.

“我们确实看到了声波,”惠特尔说。"We are actually seeing the sound waves, " Whittle said.

这是说明传播声波的一种花俏说法。That is a fancy way of saying sound waves were transmitted.

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声波测井用于区分泥岩和白云岩。The sonic log is used to differentiate shale from dolomite.

一种新型纳米材料能够将声波转化成电能。A new nanomaterial can convert sound waves into electricity.

她的心跳现在强劲到可以在声波图上显示出来了。Her heartbeat is now strong enough to register on a sonogram.

兆声波目前主要应用于半导体行业。Megasonics are currently used mainly in the silicon industry.

声波传递需要介质,空气,水,岩石都行。They need something to move through, like air, water, or rock.

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声波床体型巨大,还有12道环绕音响。The sonic bed is a king-size bed with 12-channel surround sound.

不过,对测定目标物距离来说,声波运行的速度太慢,因此,声波回声测距法在实用中有其局限性。Thus this soundwave echo method has its limitation in practical use.

从波动声学的角度讨论声波测井的探测深度问题。Based on acoustics, one can study the testing depth of sonic logging.