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伏安计是用于测量电压和安培数的仪器。A voltammeter is a device for measuring voltage or amperage.

结果表明,在直流伏安特性曲线上出现了相锁定台阶。Results show that the phase locking steps occur in the IV-curves.

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通过循环伏安法合成聚苯胶膜电极。Polyaniline film electrode was synthesised by cyclic voltammogram.

在工厂的南边有一座装有五百千伏安变压器的变电站。The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is south of the plant.

报道了大蒜中大蒜辣素含量的阳极溶出伏安测定新方法。The garlic in content in Cangshan garlics was determined by fix sulfur method.

采用循环伏安法、腐蚀失重法、交流阻抗法研究了铈对铅锑合金板栅电化学性能的影响。In this paper, the analysis way of lead in raw lead and Pb-Sb alloys was studied.

介绍了循环伏安法的产生背景、原理。This paper introduced the background and principal of cyclic voltammetric methods.

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在工程的南边有一座装有五百千伏安变电器的变电站。The substation equipped with a transformer of 500 KVA is at the south of the plant.

研究了单偶氮染料活性艳红K-2G的极谱伏安行为。Polarographic and voltammetric behaviors of Reactive Brilliant Red K-2G was studied.

本文报道了雌激素的阳极微分脉冲伏安法测定。This paper reported an anodic differential pulse voltammetric determination of estrogens.

用线性扫描和循环伏安法研究体系的性质。The voltammetric behavior of the system was studied by linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry.

然后分别用阳极溶出伏安法和原子吸收分光光度法测定。They were measured with anod stripping volt method and atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

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其它液体介质变压器,容量超过10,000仟伏安者。Other liquid dielectric transformers, having a power handling capacity exceeding 10,000 KVA.

用线性扫描和循环伏安法研究体系的性质。The voltammetric behaviour of the system was studied by linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry.

结合循环伏安与充放电测试,对材料的电化学性能进行了评估。The electrochemistry properties of materials were evaluated by CVs and charge-discharge test.

探讨了循环伏安法在电化学传感器制备中的应用。The application of cyclic voltammetry in the preparation of electrochemical sensors was studied.

目的建立芦荟大黄素的差示脉冲伏安测定方法。OBJECTIVE To establish a novel differential pulse voltammetric method for aloe-emodin determination.

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建立了研究抗地高辛单克隆抗体特征的快速均相伏安免疫法。This is a rapidhomogeneous voltammetric immunoassay for studying the monoclonal anti-digoxin antibody.

采用伏安法测量镍盘电极在铬酸钝化液中的阴极极化曲线。Voltammetric determination of nickel disk cathodic polarization curve in chromating bath is presented.

最后考察了相对湿度对伏安特性和放电稳定性的影响。At last, the effects of RH on voltage-current characteristics and discharge stability are investigated.