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谁是你的榜样?Who is your role model?

榜样是最好的良言。Example is the best precept.

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我视自己为榜样。I see myself as a role model,

让我们以他们为榜样生活。Let us live by their example.

他们以美国为榜样。They look to the United States.

建造一个新的生态城作为榜样是当务之急。A new model is certainly needed.

雷锋为我们树立了良好的榜样。Leifeng set a good example to us.

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我们从他的榜样中得到了勇气。We drew courage from his example.

我们不应学他的榜样。We should not follow his example.

榜样的力量是无穷的。A fine example has boundless power.

老弟,你是我的榜样。Congratulations, you are crazy good!

三〉我们如何学主耶稣的榜样?How do we learn from Jesus' example?

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我全靠你来树立个好榜样。I rely on you to set a good example.

孩子们需要有模范人物做榜样。Kids need role models to look up to.

她是个好榜样,我们应当仿效她。We ought to follow her good example.

我们都应该以凌为榜样。We should all follow Ling's example!

你自己的榜样就会招来拒绝。By self-example mayst thou be denied.

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就连麦莉·赛勒斯都成了坏女孩的榜样了。Even Miley Cyrus is a bad role model.

他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样。He set us an example of plain living.

雷锋是我们永远的榜样。Leifeng is our good example for ever.