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卷发在这家是世代相传的。Curly hair runs in the blood.

个人的生活史首先是适应他的社团世代相传形成的生活方式和准则。The life history handed down in his community.

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当海员是他家世代相传的职业。Following the sea is the tradition of his family.

一个世代相传的美丽传说。Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable.

在伊拉克,枣椰树是作为一种传家宝世代相传的。Date palm trees in Iraq are passed down through generations as part of family legacies.

在伊拉克,椰枣树是作为一种家庭里世代相传宝世代相传的。Date-palm trees in Iraq are passed down through generations as part of family legacies.

我们一定要走上战场确保神域依然能在自由的希腊人的手中世代相传!We must take to the field and ensure that it remains in the hands of the free Hellenes!

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身为祖父母的好处之一,就是我们看到世代相传的景象。One of the best parts of grandparenthood is the view we get of the cycle of generations.

就是要让黑金刚成为百年老店,让黑金刚精神世代相传!HJG will last for hundred years and HJG spirit will pass on from generation to generation.

保证了梯田稻作文明世代相传的水源基础。To ensure that the rice terraces of water-based civilization from generation to generation.

例如,兴建国家纪念碑式建筑项目就是为了要达到世代相传的目的。For example, a project to erect a national monument will create a result expected to last centuries.

所有家史、英雄、战事和旅行的情况都是世代相传的。All the stories of families, heroes, wars and journeys are passed down from generation to generation.

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他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs.

一项新研究发现,出轨确实可以“世代相传”,至少对于男人是如此。According to a new study cheating really does run in the family , at least as far as men are concerned.

关节炎在我家族里世代相传。我母亲患了严重的指关节炎后,在痛苦中煎熬了几十年。Arthritis runs in my family, and my mother has struggled with severs arthritis in her fingers for decades.

它既是赫哲族世代相传的文化财富,也是中华民族灿烂文化的重要组成部分。It is not only cultural treasure from generation to generation, but also important part of Chinese culture.

曾几何时,它们是欧洲市场中最奇货可居的珍宝,也是庙堂之音中世代相传的精神印记。Once they were scarce treasure in European market and also spiritual marks in temples spread for generations.

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这是动物固有的世代相传的本能,生离死别永远会导致精神痛苦。This is inherent in the animal, a survival instinct, and the emotional pain caused by separation for good reason.

他们抛掉了世代相传的家徽,抛掉一切来自旧文明,和旧君主政体的痕迹,抛掉了贵族政治和文明They throw heraldry, they throw every kind of vestige of Old World culture and monarchy and aristocracy and civilization.

而不能直接看到的是通过世代相传带给整个家族的饥饿的长期作用。Less visible, but all the more damaging, are the long-term effects of hunger that run through families through generations.