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地球人,准备好你们的救命稻草吧!Earthlings, ready your straws.

巴尔确有一根可能的救命稻草。Barr did have one possible lifeline.

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课本只不过是救命稻草I regard these books as safety nets.

重申一下,课本就是救命稻草In fact, they're just there as back up.

这种被称为救命稻草的工具,其工作原理就像饮水的吸管一样。It's called LifeStraw, and it works just like a drinking straw.

罪犯装疯扮傻,企图抓住一根救命稻草。The criminal tried to grasp at a straw by feigning mental disorder.

当我每次需要向他人解释我不吃肉时,这句话是我的救命稻草。This is a life-saver for me every time I have to explain to people that I do not eat meat.

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老板多样化是公司不想让你知道的,但这绝对是你的事业的救命稻草。Boss diversity is the one kind companies don't talk to you about, but it can save your career.

对了,还有两种计划都是在白天没有足够时间去完成任务的人的救命稻草!Oh, and both schedules can be lifesavers for people who just don't have enough hours in the day!

当灾难逼近最后期限时,有一群人在你身边就可能会成为你的救命稻草。Having a team of people on the standby can be a life-saver when disaster strikes close to deadline.

如果碰到塞车来不及赴约,发个短信可能会成为救命稻草。If you are in a traffic jam, and are late to an appointment, the ability to text can be a lifesaver.

现在看来,正为保住总理职位而苦苦努力的沙马将全民公决当作了最后一根救命稻草。Now, struggling to stay in office, Mr. Samak's referendum plan appears to be one of his last remaining gambits.

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把辅助生殖技术当作解决出生率下降的一种解决方案加以讨论,这表明茫无头绪的政府正在乱抓救命稻草。Talk of IVF as a solution for declining birth rates is a sign that clueless governments are clutching at straws.

当我接近最低工资的收入没法支付我想象中的生活方式的时候,万事达卡和发现卡成了我的救命稻草。When my near-minimum-wage income failed to support my expected lifestyle, Mastercard and Discover came to my rescue.

为了保存现金,克莱斯勒已停止了部分新产品计划,这个迹象显示它将同通用汽车的交易视为了唯一的救命稻草。To conserve cash, Chrysler has halted certain new-product plans, a sign that it sees a deal with GM as the only path out.

当地劳动局认为,杨这样的小规模创业者是解决就业危机的救命稻草。The local labor bureau sees small-scale entrepreneurs like Yang as the only hope for solving the impending employment crisis.

这项服务一般用作唤醒来电或及时提醒,但我们最喜欢把它当做逃脱窘境的救命稻草。The service can function as a universal wake-up call or a timely reminder, but we like it best as a get-out-of-jail-free card.

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奥巴马和其共和党的对手越来越急于找到解决方案,如果成功,这就是最后一根救命稻草了。If there is any silver lining, it is the increased urgency with which Mr Obama and his Republican opponents have sought solutions.

新唐人电视台遂把李洪志信口雌黄的“神传文化”视为挽救其系列赛事流产的救命稻草,荒唐绝伦。What a ridiculous act that NTDTV regarded the "culture passed by gods" remarked by Li Hongzhi as the last straw of its series contests.

据路透社一名分析家称,戴尔希望“抓住这根救命稻草”以挽救他的平板业务。According to an analyst who spoke with Reuters, Dell may be “grasping at straws” in an attempt to breathe life into its tablet business.