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我答应去观看文艺演出。I promised to attend the show.

在学校大厅举办文艺晚会。Held in the school hall variety show.

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“全部文艺作品都是呼吁”。All the literary works is a kind of appeal.

饭店里有时有文艺演出。Sometimes performances are given in the hotel.

我们要分清楚文艺作品中香花与毒草。We must distinguish good and bad literary works.

我什么种类的都喜欢,我承认我爱极文艺爱情片了。I like all kinds of stuff. I admit I love romance.

疏密是文艺评论中一个重要概念。Density is an important concept in literary criticism.

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转企改制试点文艺院团已超过200家。Over 200 troupes have undergone pilot transformations.

二十世纪三十年代,左翼文艺运动兴起。The Left-wing Literary Movement started in the 1930's.

托洛茨基的文艺思想很丰富。Trotsky's thought in literature and art was very rich.

王国维的“自然”文艺观可分为两个层次。WangGuowei's "natural" can be divided into two levels.

在校期间曾任文艺委员、化学课代表。A delegate means you are incharge of a certain subject.

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我们的文艺必须为大众所喜闻乐见。Our literature and art must be popular among the public.

文艺作品中应当着力塑造典型化人物。Literary works should focus on portraying typical people.

现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today.

这是一部为群众所喜闻乐见的文艺作品。This is a literary and artistic work loved by the masses.

甚至,在午餐的时候,还有大型的文艺表演。As well there will be lunchtime performances and activity.

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这是文艺创作的最高原则。Such fusion is the supreme principle in literary creation.

还用来开群众大会,举行文艺表演。It is also used for mass rallies and artistic performances.

文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到。The period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come.