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黄鹤断矶头,故人今在否?旧江山浑是新愁。The old land is drowned in sorrow new.

故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。Lee chicken with millet, invited me to Tian.

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多少故人的脸,都浮在我眼前。So many old friends' faces, all floating before my eyes.

三五夜中新月色,二千里外故人心。Thirty-five the new moon night, two miles away so people.

雁过故人无信息,酒醒残梦寄凄凉。Yan had no information on the enemy, sober Canmeng send bleak.

打个蛋和米饭还有朗姆酒一起供奉给故人。Break an egg and offer it to the deceased with some rice and rum.

不堪柳絮催行客,也有桃花似故人。Bear catkins reminder Xingke, there are also peach like old friends.

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落寞时读书,便如面对一位不期而遇的故人。Lonely, when reading, just like a peek into the face of a dead person.

新诗宛见故人面,思入江山气象雄。Poetry Wan see old friends face, thinking into the country weather male.

九月霜天水正寒,故人西去度征鞍。September Shuangtian water is cold, old friends to spend levy Saddle West.

劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。Jun persuade even a glass of wine to make the West a reason people Guan Yang.

利物浦将会遇到前利物浦故人克劳奇还有基恩。The fixture reunites Liverpool with two former strikers in Peter Crouch and Robbie Keane.

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秋天是怎样地适合故人之情,又怎样的适合银亮亮的梦啊!How well that autumn be fit for the affection for old friends, and the shining silvery dreams!

老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。Old building was torn open, old friend broadcast, the detail in memory is more and more specious.

为什么我们要紧抓住旧习惯,老地方和故人不放,即使他们已经对我们造成了负面影响?Why do we cling to old, habits, places and people so dearly, even if they become negative influences?

在迎战莱昂内萨文化队的国王杯比赛开始之前,巴塞罗那为恩克默哀一分钟,而特内里费也对故人表示哀悼。Barcelona had a minute's silence in his honour before their Copa de Rey match against Cultural Leonesa, while

“故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。”出自那首诗?"The old friend west dismisses Yellow Crane Tower , fireworks goes to Yangzhou in March". Come from that poem?

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无论是曾经的故人还是你想在未来进一步发展的人,与他们一起分享你最近的心情和感受吧。Whether it's someone from the past or someone you want to be a part of your future, share your current feelings.

哀悼者们一天诵读三遍悼词,去犹太教堂并为故人点燃长明灯。Mourners recite the Kaddish prayer three times that day, go to synagogue and light a candle that burns for 24 hours.

虽然曼联已经十几年没踢过马赛了,但在对手那边还是有不少故人。Although United haven't faced Marseille for more than a decade, there are some familiar faces in the opposition camp.