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就这些,顺便说下,这些都是Lewis结构式。And these, by the way, are called Lewis structures.

这种方式给出了分子的结构式。This gives us the structural formula of the molecule.

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非结构式访谈护理本科学生21名。Non-structure interview was conducted among 21 students.

国际定形名称,可以写出其结构式。From the definitive names, structural formulas can be written.

本文研究了现代汉语“给与”义双及物结构式主要句型及其构成。This thesis focuses on the "transfer" type Ditransitive Construction in modern Chinese.

分子结构式可存储为静态图片格式或动态结构式格式。A chemical structure can be saved in either a static image format or an "active" format.

直到1912或,他都没有出版任,何与路易斯结构式有关的东西。And, he didn't publish anything related to the Lewis structure until about 1912 or 1913.

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研究者对22位年龄在63至85岁的社区居家老人进行了半结构式的深度访谈。Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 community elderly aged between 63-85.

在确定一个化合物的结构式之前,首先应知道它的分子式。Before we can assign a structural formula to a compound, we must first know its molecular formula.

三氯甲烷又称氯仿、哥罗仿,结构式CHCL3,分子量119.39。Chloroform also known as chloroform, Montenegro imitation, structured CHCL3, molecular weight of 119.39.

分于式、分于量、化学结构式和相对含量,其中7种以往无化学成分记录。Among the 10 species, 7 species are studied for the first time on the chemistry of their waxy secretions.

方法采用结构式问卷对323名产科护士及助产士的丧婴护理态度进行调查。Methods A total of 323 obstetric nurses and midwives were investigated by using a structured questionnaire.

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研究工具系以自拟之结构式问卷经信度及效度的检试后,以集中访视的方式收集资料。All subjects were interviewed by a constructed questionnaire, which was tested for reliability and validity.

结果国内医学杂志采用结构式摘要的写作方法,而国外法医学杂志一般采用叙述式摘要的写作方法。Results There are two types of abstract, structural and narrative abstract in medical and medico-legal papers.

通过对化合物进行适当的物理和化学测定,从而提出分子的结构式。Proposal of a structural formula as the result of appropriate chemical and physical examination of the compound.

本发明公开了一种新的普拉格雷中间体,其结构式如图。The invention discloses a new intermediate of Prasugrel, the structural formula of which is shown as the figure.

适当的化学性质资料,比如结构式,经验式和分子量等。Appropriate chemical attribute information, such as structural formula , empirical formula , and molecular weight.

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运用实际观察法检视皮肤及自拟结构式问卷收集资料。Data were collected by using self-structured questionnaires and actual observation to examine the skin conditions.

下一个进化阶段的肩膀结构发展的即不像现代人的,也不像猿猴的,它是一种完全不同的结构式样,“她说。"The next stage was something not modern humanlike, nor apelike — it was something entirely different, " she says.

方法采用分层随机取样法对抽取的15名陆军军人进行结构式访谈。Methods The 15 soldiers selected through a hierarchical sampling method were treated by an un-structured interview.