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原材料单价管理。Material unti price supervising.

金属原材料全从美国、日本进口。All the metal material import from U.

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电焊条是用于起重机的原材料。Welding is used cranes raw materials.

生命是原材料,我们是匠人。Life is raw material. We are artisans.

思想是进步的原材料。Ideas are the raw material of progress.

猪肉也是香肠最常用的原材料。It is also a common ingredient of sausages.

适合新订单原材料的激光镜头在哪里?Where’s the laser lens for this new material?

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大部分唇膏的部分原材料是鱼鳞。Most lipstick is partailly made of fish scales.

纤维焊条是一种用于起重机的原材料。Fiber electrode is a raw material for the crane.

原材料是圆钢棒,优质合金钢,美标。Steel bars for raw material, good alloy AISI 5140.

鱼条的原材料通常使用鳕鱼,非常健康。The fish part is usually pollock, rather healthy.

COC须列出所有经测试的原材料或及货品。COC shall list out all raw materials or items tested.

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钴基焊丝是一种用于起重机的原材料。Co-based wire is a kind of raw material for the crane.

手绘丝绸墙纸的主要原材料为丝绸。Handpainted silk wallpaper main raw material for silk.

钴基焊条是一种用于起重机的原材料。Cobalt-based electrode is a raw material for the crane.

更快的原材料处理、堆装和击倒速率Faster material handling, stowage, and strike-down rates

实木平板地板以桦木、木、木、木等材种为原材料。Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors.

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管子坡口机是用于起重机械的原材料。Pipe beveling machine is used for lifting raw materials.

负责原材料的每批次的接收和留样。In charge of the raw material sample for each lot number.

墨的原材料是松木、油和漆。The raw materials of ink-stick were pine, oil and lacquer.