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一度也是我的差事。It was mine, once.

我是专程来办一件差事的。I've come on a special errand.

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我很快干完了这些差事。I have done the errands quickly.

白熊已经说了有差事。Ice bear already mentioned errands.

这讨厌的差事,我真受够了!I've had enough of this perishing job!

试着想想是否能把这些差事合并起来。Try to think how you can combine your errands.

老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work.

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那天下午他把做讲座的差事推卸掉了。He wormed out of giving a lecture that afternoon.

其一,学校午餐是一桩利润微薄的差事。For one, school lunches are a low margin business.

明天,驾驶汽车,因为我有短期差事在身。Tomorrow, I can drive because I'm running errands.

C-Note现在干的是一份军队监狱的差事。C-Note now covers his post inside a military prison.

第二个方法返回全部差事的枚举。The second returns an enumeration of all the errands.

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她正想逃避那项讨厌的差事。She's trying to duck out of doing that unpleasant job.

她在当地的翻译社谋到了一份好差事。She has a good position in a local Translation Service.

问题是我可能会去找份下午工作的差事。The problem is that I'm going to be working afternoons.

我好说歹说总算逃脱了发言差事。I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech.

国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post.

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我真的希望能在下雨前将这些差事干完。I get finished with all my errands before it starts to rain.

他做起了推销防窃报警器的营生,还在一家酒吧里谋了个差事。He got a job selling burglar alarms and also worked at a pub.

第一个方法返回具有最高差事标识的差事。The first method returns the errand with the highest errand ID.