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留下了我们姊妹弎和母亲相依为命。San left our sisters and mother.

阿甘和他的母亲相依为命。Forrest Gump and his mother had each other.

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这些年来他们一直相依为命。They had lived on each other all these years.

他从未见过父亲,和母亲贝蒂·让·加德纳相依为命。He lived with his mother, Bettye Jean Gardner.

杰克是一个年轻小伙子,他与妈妈相依为命。Jack is a young boy. He lives with his mother.

自幼失去双亲的她,跟着舅舅舅妈相依为命。He lost her parents, and follow the uncle aunt.

妈妈因病去逝早,爸爸与她相依为命。Her mother died of illness early with her father.

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⊙、相生相克,其实也是另一种意义上的,相依为命。Based on, also is another kind of sense, actually.

母子俩就这样相依为命地过着日子。Mother and son on the way Xiangyiweiming days to live.

老太太一生孤独,只有一只雄猫与她相依为命。The old lady lives alone, only one Tomcat with her life.

他与之相依为命相亲相爱的幼虎为救他而毁灭他。The cub that he loved dearly destroyed him for saving him.

我们永远相依为命,同生死。We belong perpetually to each other-for life or for death.

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董永从小和父亲相依为命,每天在田里辛勤劳作。While living with his father, he worked hard in the fields.

如今我和祖母在这个世界上孤孤单单,相依为命。I was ten years old. My grandmother and I are alone in the world.

现在,父母双双离世,只剩下我们兄弟俩相依为命。Now, both parents passed away, leaving only us the brothers both.

即使死神之苍白翼翅逐散你们的岁月,你们亦将相依为命。You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.

戴氏三兄弟父母双亡,从此相依为命。Dai 3 brother parents double die, depend on each other from now on.

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那一刻,他们才真正有相依为命的感觉。At that moment, they truly felt that they were depending on each other.

剩下我和嫂子相依为命,我和她得关系也在发生着微妙得变化。And I was left, my sister-in-law and her relationship with subtle changes in.

龙龙和爷爷相依为命,住在安特卫普镇的北方。An Orphan Nello lives with his kindly grandfather in the north part of Antwerp.