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时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。Fashion people do.

一本书和一位圣公会人士。A book and an Anglican.

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白领人士,大学毕业。White collar, college grad.

外什么PLM人士应该关心?Why PLM people should care?

穷的单身人士真可怜。Pity the poor single people.

术业有专攻——专业人士。There are the professionals.

他们将会是听障和视障人士。They will be deaf and blind.

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喜爱干净的人士,无不良嗜好。No bad habits and keep clean.

能把中庸人士剔除团队吗?Can we cut out the middle-man?

其他患有诵读障碍症的著名人士包括Other notable dyslexic figures

有没有来自耶鲁大学的有名人士?Is there any celebrity from Yale?

两位消息人士均拒绝具名.Both sources declined to be named.

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异议人士按叛国罪论处。Dissent was tantamount to treason.

小坂冶炼的相关人士说。Kosaka Smelting stakeholders said.

批评人士在总统竞选期间曾经利用奥巴马的父亲是穆斯林这一点来攻击他。Barack Obama's father was a Muslim.

系塔塔尔族人士于1897年。Department of Tatar people in 1897.

埃亨是一个资深的政界人士。Bertie Ahern is a veteran politician.

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许多著名人士参加了招待会。Many notables attended the reception.

真正的内行人士享受最。Real connoisseurs will enjoy it most.

所以我并不宣称自己是权威人士。So I do not claim to be an authority.