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采取主动。Take initiative.

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你是个做事主动的人吗?Are you a self-starter?

我们也不主动和欧盟打交道。Not reaching to the EU.

他的忠告是主动提出的。His advice was unasked for.

它主动提出寄信句号。He offered to ost the letter.

这就叫做主动免疫。This is called active immunity.

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临蓐线是全主动的吗?Is the production line fully auto?

您在这个过程中有多主动呢?How intentional can you be in this?

你会主动和新邻居打招呼吗?Will you say hello to your neighbor?

对此,你必须要主动。You have to be proactive about this.

消费者越来越占据主动地位。Consumers are increasingly in charge.

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消费者更倾向于选择主动噪音隔离器。B. Active isolators can distort sound.

他主动提出要给我们弄几张票。He offered to get some tickets for us.

主动和团队合作的工作态度。Proactive& team-work working attitude.

“我们是主动的,”冈萨雷斯女士说。“We are proactive,” Ms. Gonzalez said.

他跑过去主动和那位老人答讪。He ran to the old man and accosted him.

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你要占据主动。It is up to you to take the initiative.

粟妮走进一家商店,汤姆主动迎上前来。Jenny enters a shop and Tom greets her.

机会很少主动找上门来。Opportunity rarely knocks on your door.