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邪教是假借宗教名义。The cults borrow the religious name.

邪教都有一些相同的特点,作为支派。Cults have some of the same characteristics as sects.

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这在世界邪教所制造事件中也是没有前例的。It is indeed unprecedented among the incidents of world cults.

没有什么可以收取严格邪教对孟他努。Nothing strictly heretical could be charged against Montanism.

与大现在是一个邪教的社会,上智羔羊运作。And the Big Bad is now a cultish society that Sophia Lamb operates.

如果是的话,新的邪教组织提供了一些思路的性质,即改变。If so, the new cults provide some idea of the nature of that change.

她疯狂地反击囚禁她的人,击败了班多·戈拉邪教的领袖。She lashed against her captors, defeating the leaders of the Bando Gora.

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欺骗是使用心理控制技巧的邪教最常用的方法。Deception lies at the core of mind-manipulating cultic groups and programs.

第五,呼吁有关国家支持中国人民反邪教的斗争。Calling on relevant countries to support Chinese people's anti-cult efforts.

如何防范邪教的滋生蔓延应是社会问题研究的一个重要内容。At the second part, the paper analysis what cause the cults breed and spread.

如果是叫人造罪业堕三途的邪教,我们绝对不赞叹。However, we never praise cults for they encourage people to commit wrongdoings.

这一波的邪教可能崩溃成为灰尘的历史,使许多其他人。This wave of cults could crumble into the dust of history as so many others have.

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1994年,马来西亚政府以涉嫌传邪教的名义查禁了该组织。The Malaysian government banned the group for its allegedly deviant teachings in 1994.

何况邪教猖獗首先就损害了本国利益。Most importantly, the rampancy of cults has first done great harm to national interests.

随着对西德克萨斯州一夫多妻制邪教组织的调查深入,又一名男子被捕。A second man has been arrested as a search continues at a West Texas polygamist compound.

歧视某些宗教,将其定为"邪教"或"宗派"。Discrimination against certain religions by identifying them as dangerous “cults” or “sects.”

这是由于出生的最后阵痛期邪教和文明在西亚和埃及。It was born amidst the last throes of expiring cults and civilizations in Western Asia and Egypt.

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中国西南的大都市重庆成立了重庆市反邪教联合会。Chongqing, a metropolis in the southwest of China, has set up an Anti-Cult Federation of Chongqing.

科学是破除封建迷信、铲除邪教滋生蔓延的锐利武器。Science is a kind of sharp weapon to destroy feudalistic superstition and eradicate evil religions.

最重要的是,20世纪邪教头领们的经历证明,这样的人群需要被监管。Above all, the 20th-century record of leader-cults demonstrates that such collectives need watching.