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我被改造了。I was transformed.

往时的事是不可以改造的。You can't change the past.

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现在,科学家们准备改造鱼类。Now, scientists are redoing fish.

你将要受到感化与改造。You will be reclaimed and formed.

怎样改造状态成瘾者呢?How do you reform a status junkie?

林赛·罗韩出入改造中心好几次了。Lindsay Lohan's in and out of rehab.

生命之伟大在于自我改造。The greatness lies in self-remoulding.

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我们改造的主令控制器。We transformed the command controller.

某结构改造中混凝土悬挑梁从1。A cantilever beam is lengthened from 1.

图为中国援助改造的吉普赛德市场。The picture shows the Cheapside Market.

简而言之,我们需要彻底改造马桶。In short, we need to reinvent the toilet.

监狱应该设法改造做错事的人。Prisons should try to reform wrong-doers.

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我愿尽力彻底改造自己的生活。I will try my best to reinvent my own life.

还是下定决心费尽心血去改造她?Still determined to tail off to remake her?

玩家改造武器只需要钱。You only need money to remodel your weapon.

这对老船改造具有一定的参考作用。It is reference to the reform for old ships.

永远不要试图改造你的老婆或老公。Never try to make over your wife or husband.

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对年轻的囚犯应进行改造。The young prisoners should be rehabilitated.

它位于半山坡上,是一个改造项目。Located half hill there was a house to reuse.

关于棚户区改造项目。Regarding shantytown reconstruction projects.