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他去山中的休养所过周末。He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend.

她目前在庐山休养所,力图把身体养好。She is now at Lushan sanatorium and endeavouring to pull round.

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他发展并升级了度假屋,将它变成了全年性的休养所。He expanded and upgraded the home, turning it into a year-round retreat.

富人们的豪华别墅已变成了休养所和疗养院。The luxurious palaces of the rich have been turned into rest homes and sanatoriums.

那是在1961年的冬天,当时年仅十二岁的威尔士王储查尔斯正呆在夏丁汉他母亲的休养所。It happened during the winter of 1961, when twelve-year-old Charles, Prince of Wales, was visiting his mother’s Sandringham retreat.

索拉纳工程有一定的秩序层次,也充满了多样性如丘陵,湖泊,林荫大道,步道,公共空间和私人休养所等。There is order at Solana but also diversity in the form of hills, lakes, boulevards, hiking trails, public spaces, and private retreats.

泰国海滩也是世界上数一数二的,既有人群拥挤的备有水上运动的设施的度假胜地,也有宁静得只能听到海浪拍岸的如画般的休养所。They range from packed resort spots with plenty of water sports to quiet, picture-perfect retreats , where only the gentle sound of the ocean can be heard.

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既有一个紧挨一个的备有水上运动设施的度假胜地,也有宁静得只能听到海浪拍岸的田园如画般的休养所。They range from packed resort spots with plenty of water sports to quiet, idyllic, picture-perfect retreats, where only the gentle sound of the ocean can be heard.

不能只见养蜂“潮落时”建平县军队离退休干部休养所叶俊养蜂人养蜂的目的是为了取得经济效益。Cannot see apiculture only " when tide falls " building smooth county army to leave end of apiarian of beekeeper of Xie Jun of emeritus cadre retreat is to obtain economic benefits.

在1987年9月,立体式连接在精神上诞生并从那时起时事通讯,书籍,工作坊和休养所接连提供给相似的人们。In September of 1987, Cloverleaf Connection was spiritually born and from that time on newsletters, books, workshops and retreats have been continuously offered to people of like mind.

解放后,北戴河又新建了不少休养所、疗养院、饭店、宾馆,规模比过去更大了,成了我国规模较大、设施比较齐全的海滨避暑胜地。现在每年暑假都要接待上百万前来旅游、度假的群众。After liberation, many health spas, rest homes, restaurants and hotels were built here. Over the years, Beidaihe has become a seaside summer resort with larger scale and more complete facilities.