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巴罗的反凯恩斯观点登峰造极。Barro's anti-Keynesianism is at the extreme end.

公司股东的集体沉默在管理界几乎达到了登峰造极的地步。In the governance world, that's about as silent as shareholders can be.

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在物种的链条中,树木是登峰造极的,是完美的活的雕塑。In the chain of species, trees are a pinnacle, a perfect living sculpture.

这种政治压力在上周末的冰岛议会上登峰造极。This political pressure came to a head over the weekend in Reykjavik's parliament.

时至今日,社会文明高度发达,伪饰也达到登峰造极。Today, the society is highly developed and the level of disguise also reaches a peak.

只要能够“金口玉言”地把它们讲“活”,欣赏教学可以算“登峰造极”了。Who can give the life above the "valuable advice", his or her appreciating teaching must reach the peak of perfection.

本座以为,只要再加努力,有朝一日他们的无耻肯定能达到登峰造极的境界。It is our considered opinion that with some diligence, there will be one day they would achieve the pinnacle of shamelessness.

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屋宇署版本,将提供增值的一个独家幕后高清晰度视频功能,即超出了登峰造极。The BD version will offer added value with an exclusive behind-the-scenes High Definition video feature called Beyond the Apex.

当从摇篮到坟墓的营销攻势已经成为美国人生活的一部分时,登峰造极的要数好莱坞大片的粉墨登场。While cradle-to-grave marketing is now a fact of American life, it seems to peak around the release of a Hollywood blockbuster.

圣诞节这些仪式虽然让孩子们兴奋不已,可没有其它信仰那样登峰造极。But while Christmas rituals can be exciting for children, they certainly don't have any of the high drama of those practised by other faiths.

有许多舞者,虽然有良好的临场外观,正确的技术和适度好的动作,但迄未能达到登峰造极之境。There are hundreds of dancers who have a good floor appearance, correct technique and reasonable good movement, and yet do not achieve greatness.

此作品运用唐卡的绘画方法表现,也表现出作者的心声和登峰造极的画功,令人惊叹。This product used the method of Tangka painting to explain the sound of the heart from the editor. The unsurpassed painting skill is astonishing.

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有时我写科比会特别困惑,这个人已经到了登峰造极的地步,我们作为媒体人应该从何写起?Sometimes I write Kobe will be particularly confusing, this person has reached a culmination point, we as media people should come to write about?

格言是需要有丰富的处事经验者才可能感悟出来的话,就如艺术需要熟练方可登峰造极一样。Mottoes are words sensed only by those who have rich experience of life, exactly like the art which can't reach the peak of perfection without skill.

格言是需要有丰富的处事经验者,才可能感悟出来的话,就如艺术需要熟练方可登峰造极。Mottoes are words sensed only by those who have rich experiences of life, exactly like the art which can't reach thepeak of perfection without skill.

格言是需要有丰富的处事经验者,才可能感悟出来的话,正如艺术需要熟练方可登峰造极。Mottoes are words sensed only by those who have rich experiences of life, exactly like the art which can't reach the peak of perfection without skill.

结果讲道的人和听道的人都认为自己属灵的程度已经登峰造极,其实他们两方面在生活上所表现出来的都是可怜到极点。It results the ministers and the congregations both think they are the most spiritual ones, in fact what they witness everyday in their lives are so poor.

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由于你有了成功,你已经到达了顶峰或者仍然有变得更好的潜力,或者仍然在学习阶段,或者你认为自己作为一名车手已经登峰造极了?。With the success that you've had, have you peaked or are you still potentially getting better or are you still learning or doyou think you've peaked as a driver?

戏剧表演若能登峰造极,达到颠峰,实为了不起的艺术,是值得好好一做的事情,虽说它的价值和所有其他表演艺术一样,会因其瞬息性而减弱。Acting, at its best, can be a great art, a thing worth doing supremely well, though its worth, like that of all interpretative arts, is lessened by its evanescence.

作为荣光之地与神圣思想互相关联的证明──巴黎圣母院,至今已有750年的历史了,它是欧洲宗教建筑登峰造极之作。As a testament to the correlation between glorious spaces and heavenly thoughts, the Notre Dame de Paris has stood for 750 years as the apex of European religious architecture.