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旅馆的老板娘走进来。The landlady of the hotel entered.

老板娘在和一个人谈论。Proprietress in and talk about a person.

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并追杀李四和老板娘。And to kill John Doe and the proprietress.

他们俩在那里闹腾,老板娘差点休克。They were there Naoteng, she almost shock.

这个老板娘是个希腊人,手臂上长满了汗毛。The proprietor was a Greek with hairy arms.

老板娘咬牙切齿地抽紧了一个很可怕的结。Then madame, with her teeth set, tied a very terrible knot indeed.

毕竟老板娘是槟城人,所以煮的应该是正宗的槟城福建虾面吧?Since the lady boss is from Penang, surely it must be the real thing?

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今天又和老板娘顶嘴了,忘记是多少次了,幸好没有上演“孙悟空大吵蜘蛛精”,嘿嘿…Today argue with Boss again, I had forgotten this is how many times already.

查连凤是一个很有原则的老板娘,可能也正是因为她的这份原则,让她有那么好的口碑。Zha is a landlady of principle, and that may be the reason for her reputation.

老板娘边说边用手掀仍在磨蹭着的10多个姐妹的被子。The boss wife proceeded with their hands, set off a still HES 10 more sisters quilt.

啊!对不起,老板娘看到那封信时,脸上有什么表情吗?Execuse me, when the boss's wife sees that letter face up have what facial expression?

在电话里,绣球花旅馆的老板娘约瑟芬娜是个很好讲话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

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乔瑟芬娜,绣球花之家的老板娘,在电话里听起来是个好说话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

她是那么一个扭扭捏捏、男不男女不女的家伙,那些已经破烂的旧小说,对一个客店老板娘的想象力来说,往往会产生这样的影响。Old romances produce that effect when rubbed against the imagination of cook-shop woman.

那个沈阳青旅的老板娘喜欢谎称到机场要90分钟,明明30分钟可以解决的问题。The lady in the Shenyang hostel is a liar. It's not 90 minutes to the airport, it's only 30.

“是啊,坐不下了,要不拿个炒饼打包吧”,老板娘的建议。"Ah, no less than a sitting, or use a packaged pie speculation it", the proprietress proposal.

问了隔壁的小妹才知道,两天前的一个傍晚老板娘和一个顾客吵起来了。Ask the next sister know, two days ago one evening in the landlady and a customer into a fight.

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并在老板娘上官玉等人的帮助下,对蓝天竭力保护。And with the help of the wife of shop-owner yu shangguang and others, to the blue sky to protect.

由于前天老板娘跟我说今天可以晚点才来,不过因为无聊我大概11点多就来了。Because the boss told me today was to come, but because the boring I probably more than 11 points.

“可是你告诉我,”老板娘平静地问道,“让雷电聚积起来需要多少时间?”How long, ' demanded madame, composedly, 'does it take to make and store the lightning? Tell me. '