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避免采用灰化消解。Ashing should be avoided.

他最好很快消解疑虑。He had better disabuse them soon.

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除了他的死能去消解成就我怒中所定的。Nothing but his death can slake my anger.

这是极为顶事、消解的方式。This is extremely effective and disarming.

消解这些错误观念对你的工作产生负面影响了吗?Did dispelling the illusion hurt your work?

一旦这种需要停止,天然的纽带便消解了。As soon as this need ceases, the natural bond is dissolved.

非理性主义试图切近传统理性生长之根而施与消解式疗治。Irrationality attempts to offer a cure by coming to its root.

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但是朝鲜人懂得如何消解正面的攻势。But the North Koreans know how to deal with a frontal assault.

愿菩提心常在,消解愚昧之灾难。MayBodhichitta flourish, and dissolve the scourge of ignorance.

至少10奖金将被授予荣誉,除此之外,指代消解。At least 10 prizes will be awarded and, in addition, honorary mentions.

如果你控制余额平衡,你不仅消解利益,你还会失去钱。If you carry a balance, you not only negate the benefit, you lose money.

调度问题的本质是对存在的冲突进行消解的过程。The hypostasis of scheduling problem is the process of conflict resolving.

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消解酶溶液可以分装后在-20℃存放至少6个月。Aliquots of Zymolyase Solution can be stored at -20℃ for at least 6 months.

指代消解是文本信息处理中的一个重要任务。Anaphora resolution plays an important role in text information processing.

如何消解法律工具主义与社会公平正义的张力?How to loosen the tension between legal instrumentalism and social justice?

共指消解是信息抽取中一个重要子任务。The coreference resolution is an important subtask of information extraction.

指代消解是自然语言处理领域中的一个重要问题。Coreference resolution plays an important role in natural language processing.

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氯化苦的消解很快,在土壤中的半衰期为5.5天。Chloropicrin disappears rapidly from soil. Its half-lives in soil are 5.5 days.

后现代主义打破了理性的神话,但却消解不了理性的精髓。Although post-modernism broke the myth of reason, it can't break the marrow of it.

本文采用决策树学习方法来完成中文名词短语的指代消解。In this paper, we use decision trees for Chinese noun phrase coreference resolution.