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我们经常在联合广场上晃悠。so we would always hang out in Union Square.

夫人她讨厌看到工人在她家晃悠。Her ladyship won't want workmen under he feet.

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吴少奶奶瞪眼看着房门上那一幅在晃悠的蓝色门帘。Mrs Wu stared at the waving blue curtain over the door.

携带那些撩动人心的物品在商场里晃悠15分钟。Carry the exciting item around the store for 15 minutes.

每年给宠物打疫苗并且不要让它们在外面晃悠。Vaccinate pets each year and don't allow them to roam outside.

但是我记得他和他皮带上晃悠的皮鞭。But I remembered him and the leather crop swinging from his belt.

午饭后,杰克走了出去,绕着马戏团的帐篷慢慢晃悠。After lunch Jack went out and wandered slowly round the circus tent.

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午饭后,杰克走了出去,绕着马戏团的帐篷慢慢晃悠。After lunch Jack went out and wandered slowly around the circus tent.

有部分小组在这个过程中始终有只狗在他们脚下晃悠,另外的小组则没有。Some of the groups had a dog underfoot throughout, while the others had none.

那人在我跟前来来回回不停的晃悠,弄的我很恼火!The man keep going back and forth in front of me which make me really annoyed.

而我则像行尸走肉一般,在家里晃悠,不言不语。But I look like the good-for-nothing to be ordinary, at home shakes, keeps silent.

科威特的年轻人每晚都会在市中心晃悠数小时,开车的速度令人惊粟。Young Kuwaiti men cruise round town for hours every evening, often at hair-raising speed.

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那些毛发蓬乱数日未浴的杂种狗,或是刚刚被香波浸泡过的狮子狗也会在人前晃悠。With luck dogs would come out too, rough-haired mutts or poodles with fresh-shampooed coats.

Hayes接着说,“不过整晚都带着你所有的盘缠在街上晃悠,这主意算不算糟?”Hayes continued. "And that it's a really bad idea to walk around with all your cash there at night?"

讲台离门不远,贝基从旁边走过时恰好看到钥匙还在锁孔上晃悠。Now, as Becky was passing by the desk, which stood near the door, she noticed that the key was in the lock!

有时候我会召集一大帮朋友,什么也不干,只是一起晃悠晃悠,这成了非常美好的记忆。Some of my fondest memories are when I’ve put together a large group of friends and did nothing but hang out.

而且最重要的是我的家人和朋友都需要睡觉,大段的睡觉,没谁是和我一样整晚无所事事的瞎晃悠。My family and friends are all asleep at night, and I don’t know anyone locally who’s up all night and isn’t working.

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我们一行五人,从六点开始在老城晃悠,当地特色菜吃到饱肚还不罢休,又去尝各种名堂的酒水。Five of us began to walk in the old city from 6 pm. After enjoying local specialties, we went to try all kinds of drinks.

他应该变回那个抢点型前锋,在对方最后一个后卫身边晃悠寻找机会,做回他最擅长的那种踢球方式。He needs to bring back the goal-hanger, start hovering off the back of the last defender and get back to what he does best.

我开始相信,爱只属于那些舞步优雅但从不晃悠着爬树,甚或不重步踏地的女孩子。I came to believe that love belonged only to those who glided , who never shimmied up trees or even really touched the ground.