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检阅你“必须做”的事情清单是毫无疑义的。Checking things off a To-Do list is rarely meaningful.

预计官员们将在WTO下个月的一次部长级会议上毫无疑义地正式批准这桩交易。Officials are expected to rubber-stamp the deal next month at a WTO ministerial meeting.

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四月是用来对这个毫无疑义而又耗费时间的爱好重燃激情的。As it is, April is for getting irritated all over again at this pointless, time-consuming hobby.

但毫无疑义,天价的食品价格是触发大众愤怒的重要导火索。And there's little question that sky-high food prices have been an important trigger for popular rage.

那些琐细的烦恼,甚至毫无疑义,如果你放纵它就可以把你压倒。The trivial annoyances, even though they are virtually meaningless, can overwhelm you if you let them.

民族战争而不依靠人民大众,毫无疑义将不能取得胜利。Beyond doubt, there can be no victory in a national war without reliance on the great masses of the people.

计划是制定了,但是到年末才去理睬是毫无疑义的。If a plan is created, but then filed away never to be looked at until the end of the year, it is worthless.

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这个星期我对要移民已经毫无疑义,我不能再在这里等三年,五年或者十年去得到我原来的生活。Any doubts I had about emigrating faded this week. I cannot wait three, five or ten years to get my life back.

毫无疑义,恐惧应该是情绪系统中面对自然界特定情形的自然反映。Undoubtedly, fear is the natural reflection from the emotional system when it confronts certain natural situation.

不太久之前编程语言还可以毫无疑义地归类成“命令式”或者“函数式”。Until relatively recently programming languages have fit neatly into either "imperative" or "functional" categories.

传统的绝对所有权原则毫无疑义将不能有效解决这类新的重大社会问题。The principle of traditionally absolute ownership undoubtedly cannot solve this kind of new important social problem efficiently.

因此,毫无疑义,中国万万不可放弃现在的时机,万万不可打错主意,而应该采取坚定的政治立常。Beyond any doubt, China must on no account miss the present opportunity or make a wrong decision but must take a firm political stand.

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毫无疑义,上下级的关系应当密切,应当是一种同志的关系。It goes without saying that the higher levels should maintain close relations with the lower levels and that these should be comradely.

穆斯林毫无疑义地同意,斋月期间月经期的穆斯林女性不斋戒。Muslims have unanimously agreed that a Muslim woman who menstruates in the blessed month of Ramadan is not to observe fast during her period.

毫无疑义,它们是发展湖南经济、促使革命老区尽快脱贫致富的雄厚物质基础。Without doubt, it is one of the abundant matter conditions which develops its economy makes the revolution old area into rich and out of poor.

"这些公司不能用这个合约作为未来发生任何情况的借口.这是毫无疑义的,"他对路透表示.""The companies cannot use this contract as an excuse for anything that happens in the future. There is no question about that," he told Reuters.

大教堂因它的塔高而闻名于世,该塔毫无疑义地成为英国最高最漂亮的塔,塔顶距地面足足404英尺。The cathedral is famous for the height of its town, which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England, being from the ground 404feet.

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尽管研究的深度和广度都是极为有限的,但多元智能理论为我国幼儿园课程设计带来的启发和借鉴则是毫无疑义的。Although the scope and breadth of the research are very limited, there is no doubt that MI theory brings enlighten and reference for our kindergarten curriculum design.

在这样的环境下,大公司和他们的审计员们赋予极大希望的财务报告改进计划,越来越被视为是毫无疑义和无关痛痒的白费力气无疑令他们非常恼火。In such an environment, it is no doubt galling that the reporting exercise that firms and their auditors are expected to go through is increasingly seen as meaningless and irrelevant.

鉴于全世界粮食价格偏高且贫困人口要求降低食品成本,如果多哈回合因这一壁垒而失败,就显得毫无疑义了。Given the high food prices around the world and the need for poor people to lower their cost of food, it just does not make sense for the Doha negotiations to founder upon this barrier.