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他在朋友中人缘不好。He got in bad among his friends.

你人缘好人气旺赢得众望。You are win popular with masses.

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发牢骚的人没人缘。In 2, the grumbler 's popularity.

人缘和互联网资源。Relationships and Internet resources.

因为他的个性好,所以他的人缘很好。Everyone likes him because of his good personality.

如果芭比娃娃人缘这么好,你为什么一定要把她的朋友买回家?If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

正如种田而没有播种,皆是空过人缘。There is no harvest to reap, letting opportunity pass us by.

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虽然她学习不好,但她在班里人缘很好。Thongh she is not good at study, she is popular in our class.

宣萱性格乐观开朗,在圈内人缘甚好。Jessica Hsuan's character, optimistic, good popularity in the circle.

迈可拥有称职的员工及深得人缘的同事所共同具备的一切特质。Michael has all the ingredients to be a good worker and well-liked colleague.

女主人的人缘很好,因为她总能给客人一种宾至如归的感觉。The hostess is very popular because she always makes her guests feel at home.

不过她非常亲切。我很肯定地说她一定会被评选为“最佳人缘奖”!But that she is very nice and that for sure she will be voted Miss Congeniality!

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八年级的学生都很在乎自己的外表,关心怎样才能在学校里赢得人缘。All eighth-graders are obsessed with how they look and how they'll fit in at school.

在公司当领导,我想您不但头脑好,人缘也一定很好。In the company as a leader, I think you are not only a good brain, popularity is also very good.

她性格比较随和内向却从不孤独,同学们都说她人缘好,因为她把所有人都当成朋友。All of her classmates say that she has good popularity because she treats everyone as her friend.

研究已发现,影响我们最大的情感体验来自于人缘,而非事业。Studies have found that our most potent emotional experiences come from relationships, not careers.

我觉得希拉里·斯万克要是能把名字改成葛洛里亚,一定更能更有男人缘的。I think Hilary Swank would make herself more accessible to men if she changed her forename to Gloria.

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没有人费力气,假装为里德尔一家感到悲伤,因为他们在村子里人缘很坏。Nobody wasted their breath prtening to feel very sad about the Riddles, for they had been most unpopular.

他在俱乐部里似乎人缘不错,后来,在他走了以后,人家都说他是个顶呱呱的人。He seemed to be popular at the club and afterwards, when he had gone, they described him as one of the best.

他与众不同,机智、幽默、乐于助人,因此而在班里有很好的人缘。He was an unusual man, witty, humorous and helpful, which made him one of the most popular students in my class.