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无法自行注册文件。Unable to self-register a file.

你必须自行决定。You must decide it by yourself.

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他很早就开始自行谋生。He began to earn a living early.

双击“自行运行”的图标。Double click the 'auto-run' icon.

当地社区自行决定优先事项Local Communities Decide Priorities

请自行覆印副本,以作纪录。Please make copy for your own record.

是监控输出页面的路径,自行修改和设置。Path and filename for the HTML report.

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所有这些厂都是我国自行设计的。All these plants were Chinese-designed.

如此的自行-治理常可奏效。Such self-governance often worked well.

单束光、双束光自行可选。Single beam, double beam light optional.

学生自行携带午餐回校。Students bring their own lunch to school.

他说,这个问题将来会自行解决。That problem would solve itself, he said.

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他自行停用地尔硫卓治疗。He had stopped diltiazem on his own accord.

你要建立一支自行车队。One, you're going to create a cycling team.

我保留自行做出决定的权利。I reserve the right to make my own decisions.

如有需要,请自行影印本表格。Please make photocopy of this form if needed.

自行防空炮部队就位。Self-propelled antiaircraft guns in position.

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独竖一帜,自行其道!Erection of a independence flag, its own Road!

自行研发了直放站本地监控单元。Implemented local monitoring unit of repeater.

小孩能自行稍微用手支撑坐1分钟。Sits with minimal self hand support for 1 min.